The state of emergency declared in Moldova in the middle of March and the travel restrictions led to a halt in the activity of some of the state institution, not yet of the judicial system. According to Minister of Justice Fadei Nagachevski, the justice sector in Moldova continues to work as there are trials that cannot be put off and hearings are yet held, IPN reports.
“I speak about persons in remand detention, under arrest, persons investigated in particular criminal cases where preventive measures are taken. The cases concerning domestic violence, particular urgent criminal, contravention, civil lawsuits are being examined by the investigation body or in court,” the minister stated in the program “Moldova Live” on the public TV channel Moldova 1.
As to the cases that are not urgent, Fadei Nagachevski said these were suspended and when the state of emergency is lifted, the proceedings will be resumed. The procedure periods were suspended and will be restarted when it becomes possible.
As the authorities recommend avoiding meetings that involve a large number of people, the minister said a part of the institutions of the judicial system started to use the teleconferencing system. The necessary equipment was bought before the crisis situation.
“Videoconferencing is used in some of the courts of law. The probation system and the penitentiary system have particular teleconferencing elements and some of the cases are managed through this system. The implementation of the teleconferencing system at national level is one of the priorities as this system copes with the situation and produces rather good results. I hope it will be useful in the future too and the cases could be examined more efficiently and swifter,” stated Fadei Nagachevski.