
Experts plead against building a new water recycling plant


It is more rational to reconstruct the water recycling plant from Chisinau than build a new one. This was the conclusion of the specialists and decision-making authorities at the end of this week. The basic argument is financial. The reconstruction of the project will cost about 150 million lei and the new plant as twice as that. In both cases it is relied on extra-budgetary investments, which are difficult to attract. At a special meeting of a work group headed by the Mayor, Vasile Ursu where was decided for the reconstruction of the plant, was calculated that the first installment that would eliminate the smell that disturbs the citizens of Chisinau will amount to 53 million euro. In the next 4 years, the reconstruction of other components of the station will be possible at the same time as the investments will be attracted. According to the data presented at the meeting, the technical plan for reconstruction could be ended in 4 months and in the next period the investment contest could be announced. In order to implement this plans, the members of the work group ascertained that the investment attracting modality will have to be discussed supplementary, to decide upon the most efficient: a credit from European Bank of Reconstructions or the World Bank, privatization or concession of the object. Vasile Ursu mentioned that regardless of the method, the implementation of the project will lead to an increase in price for water and sewerage, in order to be able to pay the credit. The work group will inform the leadership of the country about the taken decisions. At a recent Mayoralty work meeting the president Vladimir Voronin demanded the evaluation of the construction possibilities of a new station instead reconstructing the working plant. The experts showed understanding towards the fact that the final decision belongs to the central authorities.