
Experts on new Parliament make-up


The make-up of the freshly-elected Parliament inspires hope, despite the fact that the list of deputies still contains “compromised” people. Such conclusions were formulated during the “Moldova in Direct” talk-show on the public radio station Moldova 1.

Analyst Ion Tabarta. of the consultancy firm Politicon, thinks that while some “accidental” people did make it to the Parliament, there are also people who have a solid governance experience. “Our current electoral system isn't quite the most democratic one, leaving to the discretion of the party leaders to choose who gets on the electoral list. I think that the Liberal Democratic Party has the best selection of MPs. On the Socialists' list, only the top ten are widely know, while the remaining 15 are more or less obscure. This list also contains 5 MPs with a Romanian passport, which demonstrates that politicians say one thing and do another”, remarked the expert.

Veaceslav Berbeca, expert at IDIS Viitorul, welcomed the presence of young people in the new parliament. “It's good that there are many young people, who will hopefully be very active. At the same time, I think they have a lot to learn, to master the law-making procedure”.

Civic activist Oleg Brega, who ran as an independent in the recent race, said he is glad that none of the parties got the parliamentary majority. “Five parties with different doctrines entered the Parliament and none of them got the majority. This is great, because this means a potential for diversity and competition, pluralism and democracy, which inspires hope that the new government will deliver better results. It's dangerous for a democracy when the government is represented by just one party” said Oleg Brega.