
Experts comment on statement concerning country’s reunification


The statement on the country’s reunification adopted by Parliament on July 10 is welcome, but is insufficient for solving the Transnistrian conflict, said experts invited to the program “Fabrika” on Publika TV channel, IPN reports.

International law expert Vitalie Gamurari considers that the 5+2 format of the talks cannot resolve the dispute in Moldova’s favor. “Of this format, only the Ukrainian side can support Moldova’s position as it also faces separatism in the eastern regions,” he stated.

Journalist and political commentator Nicolae Negru said the statement on the country’s reunification is a call made to the Transnistrian economic entities. Referring to the appointment of the former Transnistrian security chief Vladimir Antiufeev as head of the secret services of the separatists in Donetsk, Nicolae Negru said this fact points once again to the connection exiting between the separatism in Transnistria and that in eastern Ukraine.

Economic expert Viorel Chivriga expressed his skepticism about the possible effects of the Parliament’s statement. “I don’t think that the right bank will become more attractive for the population from the separatist region, where the pensions are higher, though the situation is now ideal for improving the dialogue with the Transnistrian authorities and Ukraine can now become Moldova’s supporter in the talks in the 5+2 format,” he stated.

The jurist of Promo-Lex Association Pavel Postica believes that the government of Moldova made too many concessions to Tiraspol and the constitutional authorities should now demand optimal conditions of activity for the Moldovan-administered Latin-script schools in the region and for women.

Journalist Cristian Tabara, who is the permanent invitee of the program “Fabrika”, said the living standards in Moldova will improve as a result of the implementation of the Association Agreement with the EU and the country will become more attractive for the Transnistrians, not yet for the Russian military men from there. This thing is a great obstacle to settling the Transnistrian conflict.