
Experts about provocations in election campaign of this autumn


The election campaign of this autumn will be full of surprises and the pro-European parties already started to face problems, said experts invited to the program “Politics” on TV 7 channel, IPN reports.

According to the experts, the major problems include the bad image and the lack of well-defined programs and messages. Political analyst Oazu Nantoi said time when one could choose one thing of two or vote against homebody has passed. “In 2009 the people voted either for the Communists or against them. Now the situation is different. Time has come when the voters must and want to vote for well-planned programs and strategies. Our political parties are weak. The parties must present solid proposals in this election campaign and must take into account the crisis in Ukraine and the problems encountered in the relations with Russia,” he stated

Anatol Taranu, who heads the Center for Political Analysis and Consultancy “Politicon”, considers that the sale of the shareholding in Banca de Economii, the leasing out of the Chisinau airport and the merger of Unibank and Banca de Economii significantly affected the image of the ruling pro-European parties and these parties and the European course face great risks.

“The European course may be thwarted after the elections. It can happen that the pro-European parties will build their election campaign so badly that the Communists will get a second breath, while the rating of Renato Usatyi’s party will increase further as Usatyi tells the people what they want to hear,” stated Anatol Taranu.

Political commentator Victor Gurau is also pessimistic about the continuation of the pro-European course after the elections. He said the intrigues and surprises already began.

Valeri Demidetski, head of the ITAR-TASS Office in Moldova, said the image of the pro-European parties is the main challenge. “I heard many people who are convinced pro-Europeans that they do not trust the ruling pro-European parties,” said the journalist.