
Expert to government: Stage you revolution for others not to stage counterrevolution


Senior state officials, politicians and representatives of the academic community and civil society met at a Public Forum to launch the dialogue on the signing of the Social Pact “For Moldova” on October 14. After the discussions on the internal sociopolitical and economic situation that lasted for several hours, the participants agreed to create a sector dialogue platform to which representatives of society and the public administration will be invited to examine the proposals submitted in the forum and other suggestions for solving the internal problems, IPN reports.

In the event, President Nicolae Timofti said he is profoundly disappointed at the way some of the decision makers understand the idea of governance – as a method enrichment to the detriment of the many deprived people. It’s now opportune for society to stop making statements, mutual accusations, possible and impossible demands and to analyze what steps should be taken.

Head of Parliament Andrian Candu said the state goes through a difficult period and the authorities should admit that the government made mistakes. “But the country needs evolution, not revolution and the solutions to improve justice and the necessary financial resources cannot be found on the street,” he said, adding that the people’s confidence in the state institutions and the government on the whole should be restored so as to be able to deal with the problems faced by the country.

Prime Minister Valeriu Strelet said the Government realizes the necessity of making changes and solving the problems experienced by Moldova during this difficult patch. The executive focuses on the solving of the most acute problems, including those enumerated by the protesters, whose demands mainly coincide with the provisions of the Government’s plan of action, which are aimed at ensuring economic stability, depoliticizing the state institutions and ensuring their functionality.

The representatives of the Platform “Dignity and Truth”, which is the organizer of the protests mounted in the Great National Assembly Square of Chisinau, said the government pretends to be having a dialogue by this event and wants to maintain oligarchy in power at all costs. These read the Statement of the Council of the Great National Assembly Square on the liberation of Moldova from captivity, including the set of demands formulated until now at the protests, with deadlines for meeting them. Protesters’ leaders said the government has two days at the disposal to satisfy their demands and then left the forum.

One of the 25 speakers, political analyst Anatol Taranu called on the government to stage a resolution in the country as soon as possible or others will stage a counterrevolution. He made it clear that this is the goal of the people protesting before the Parliament Building, who are led by the heads of the Party of Socialists and the “Our Party”.

Vlad Gribincea, head of the Legal Resources Center of Moldova, replied to the chairman of the Democratic Party of Moldova Marian Lupu, saying that the current administration does not have three years to remedy the situation and the short period during which they must do what they are requested will be the greatest test of their sincerity and political will.

Antonita Fonari, secretary general of the NGO Council, said that the people are also disappointed, as the head of state is. During several tens of years, the NGOs have done what the governments didn’t manage to. Such events as this forum are superficial and produce no real results.

The participants agreed that the forum should be continued and its secretariat during several days will formulate the final documents drafted based on the positions and suggestions expressed in the event.

The forum brought together over 70 people. The representatives of the political opposition didn’t take part in it, even if they were invited.