
Executive will award prizes for good harvesting results


The Government instituted three prizes of 50,000, 30,000 and 20,000 lei for the districts that will reap the rape, cereals and legumes of the first group within 22-25 workdays, Info-Prim Neo reports. The prizes will be distributed after August 10, according to the order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, on the basis of the proposals put up by commissions set up by order of district heads, with the participation of producing organizations and trade unions. The prizes will be offered to the economic entities that took part in the harvesting themselves. The selection commission will be headed by Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry Anatolie Spivacenco. This year, the cereals and legumes of the first group will be reaped from an area of 588,000 hectares, including 384 hectares of winter wheat. It is estimated that the harvesting in optimal conditions will enable to obtain a total yield of about 1.1-1.2 million tonnes of cereals. Moldova needs 450,000 tonnes of food wheat for the internal necessities.