
Executive local authority of the capital proposes liquidation of municipal enterprises of dwelling management


Local public authorities of the municipality Chisinau intends to liquidate the Municipal Enterprises of Dwelling Management (IMGFL) and to create on their basis inhabitants associations, after it was set that IMGFLs have big debts. The interim mayor of Chisinau, Vasile Ursu, announced on Wednesday meeting, regarding liquidation of IMGFL debts, that the municipality does not need such enterprises, and proposed to liquidate them. According to Ursu, the debts amount to 18 million lei, 7 million lei of them could be paid of the municipal budget. This money has to be included in the accounts of IMGFLs, which, in his opinion, don not work efficiently and do not record them. Ursu said that every year the municipality allots resources for repairing of the dwelling fund managed by IMGFL, „and this thing cannot go on further”, arguing that people have to take care on their own of the blocs they live in. The head of the financial management financiar and internal department, Eugenia Ciumac, reported that the founder of these enterprises – Chisinau Municipal Council – is not responsible for their actions and, if municipal enterprises have debts to service suppliers, they have to resolve on their own the problems. Previously, Ciumac argued the need to liquidate IMGFL by the fact that they are „a generator of expenses”, the report losses for 9 months of last year is over 14 million lei. she mentioned that the majority of debts accumulate as result of a bad management on behalf of the manager and inexistence of a unique management system of dwelling fund. Another argument presented by Ciumac is that the municipality allots money for IÎMGFL for repairing the dwelling fund, door changing, but it happens that blocs managed by IMGFL are in a very bad situation than those managed by the Associations of Privatised Dwellings Owners (APLP) and those managed by Dwelling Construction Cooperatives (CCL), in conditions when for blocs managed by APLP and CCL the municipality does not allot resources for repairing. During Wednesday meeting, it was decided creation of a working group that would set the debts, which every inhabitants has towards IMGFL and of these enterprises towards Union Fenosa.