
Executive holds field meeting at head office of Agriculture Ministry


The Government had a field meeting in the morning of May 4. The ministers reported to Prime Minister Chiril Gaburici on the actions taken last week and those planned for this week. The Premier asked for a report on the blast that occurred in an apartment building in Cantemir town this morning and instructed the competent institutions to act promptly in this case, IPN reports, quoting the Government’s press service.

The meeting was held at the head office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry. Chiril Gaburici asked Minister of Agriculture Ion Sula to formulate proposals and solutions for identifying new markets for selling the Moldovan agri-food products. “The Government must make sure that the farmers and national producers have access to foreign markets, including equal access to the home market,” he stated.

The head of Government called on the ministries and state institutions to put to good use the funds provided by the external partners. “Do everything possible to efficiently use this money,” he asked.

Last week, the Cabinet had a field meeting at the head office of the Ministry of Defense. Similar meetings will be weekly staged at other ministries too.