
Executive approves new strategy on intellectual property


The Government endorsed a new strategy on intellectual property. “The implementation of the national strategy on intellectual property until 2020 will strengthen the legal and institutional framework that favors the creation, protection, management and development of the potential of intellectual property,” said the director general of the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEP) Lilia Bolocan, Info-Prim Neo reports. The strategy addresses intellectual property-related problems and ensures a high degree of cooperation at all the levels. One of its key objectives is to encourage the creation, protection and use of intellectual property as a major instrument in the switchover to the innovational economic growth model. The document envisions the modernization of the national intellectual property system and the enhancement of its transparency and coherence. Simultaneously, there will be increased the institutional responsibility so as to make sure that the intellectual property rights are not infringed. The actions aimed at developing a high culture in the area of intellectual property and at combating counterfeiting and piracy will be stimulated. The strategy will be implemented in three stages. The first stage will cover 2012-2014 and will be centered mainly on the development of mechanisms for encouraging innovational activity. At this stage there will be also improved the infrastructure of the intellectual property system, worked out and gradually introduced intellectual property disciplines in education institutions. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the observance of the intellectual property rights correlates with the foreign direct investments. Thus, a 1% increase in the number of invention patents corresponds to a 2.8% rise in the foreign direct investments attracted to the economy. At the same time, the insufficient protection of the intellectual property rights represents a serious barrier to attracting FDI, especially to such areas as software and pharmaceutics.