
Ex-minister of finance highlights “seven lies” of authorities in 2017


Former minister of finance Veaceslav Negruta, currently expert of Transparency International Moldova, highlighted “seven lies” on which the authorities insisted in 2017. The first of them is that the change of the electoral system will enable the people to withdraw the official elected by them, IPN reports.

On his blog, Negruta wrote that the authorities made considerable efforts, including financial ones, to make the people believe this lie. But everyone ultimately realized that the right to name and to withdraw the elected officials within the mixed electoral system belongs to one coordinator.

Another lie, according to Negruta, is the fact that the authorities are pro-European and almost fully implemented the undertaken roadmaps last summer already. “But at yearend everyone found out that there are 28 conditions that blocked the financing possibilities. The chances were missed because of the lies and delays of the authorities,” stated the expert.

Among the other lies is the fact that the stolen banking funds that were converted into state debt in 2017 were serviced with “recovered money”, not with budget funds. “The Ministry of Finance and the National Bank clearly showed that 668 million lei was paid by the Ministry of Finance to the central bank from the state budget and no money of the embezzled funds was recovered following the supposed investigations as these haven’t been yet launched and the “joint commission” that is to deal with the recovery hasn’t yet started to work,” wrote Negruta, concluding that the authorities got lost in the own lies.