
Ex-Minister for environment is still penally searched


The former Minister for Environment, Constantin Mihailescu, is still penally searched, Moldova's general prosecutor Valeriu Gurbulea is quoted by Info-Prim Neo as telling media. Gurbulea has specified Mihailescu is investigated for fraudulent involvement in managing the Ministry's funds. According to the top prosecutor, the investigation of the chief accountant of the Ministry has already been sent to court. Constantin Mihailescu was dismissed in February 2008 by a presidential decree for power abuse. The media wrote then, as learning from the economic police, that the minister and the accountant would allegedly have laundered 3 million lei through ghost companies. Valeriu Gurbulea says a number of top civil servants have been penally searched, and some cases are considered in courts. Most of the materials about corrupted behavior of the state dignitaries come to the prosecutors from the police, the Customs Service and from the Informational Development Ministry, he said. Gurbulea says 38 mayors have been sentenced for the last years. There are also Communist members among them.