
Ex-minister Cozma named BCC member


Artur Cozma, minister of culture and tourism in 2005-2008, was confirmed by Parliament as member of the Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC) for a six-year term. The decision was taken by 54 votes of the minimum of 51 needed on April 30, IPN reports.

After the Liberal and Socialist lawmakers accused Cozma of disastrous activity in the area of culture and of ruining the filmmaking industry, Liberal MP Anatol Salaru proposed holding a nominal vote to see who supports the candidate, but his proposal was rejected.

Liberal MP Valeriu Munteanu said the fielding of the most prominent anti-Romanian minister of all times for the post of BCC member confirms again the existence of a coalition between the minority parliamentary coalition and the Party of Communists.

The head of the Parliament’s legal commission on appointments and immunities, Democratic MP Raisa Apolschii said candidate Artur Cozma meets the conditions imposed by the legislation, while the examination of the accusations made against him is not within the competence of the commission.

After being confirmed in the post, Artur Cozma swore in Parliament to obey the Constitution and the laws of Moldova and to fulfill his duties without making political statements during his tenure.