
EU's team of High Level Policy Advisers will start work on May 1


We need not only money, but also valuable expert knowledge to implement new reforms, Prime Minister Vlad Filat said during an official event held to present the European Union’s team of High Level Policy Advisers, who will offer expertise to public institutions in Moldova, Info-Prim Neo reports. The EU High Level Policy Advice Mission to Moldova consists of 9 international experts who will advise the management of public institutions in carrying out the democratic reforms and acceleration of association and further economic integration between EU and Moldova. It has experts at the following institutions: the Prime Minister’s Office, State Chancellery, the Ministries of Economy, Finance, Justice, Interior, Agriculture and Food Industry, Tax Inspectorate and Public Procurement Agency. Premier Vlad Filat reiterated that the presence of this mission in Moldova is extremely important and timely to help guide the Government’s reform process and to help improve the absorption of foreign assistance for the betterment of every Moldovan citizen. UN Resident Coordinator in Moldova Kaarina Immonen stated that this project will benefit from UNDP’s rich expertise in the area of institutional development and capacity building and successful experience in working on similar projects in the region. She said that about 300 professionals will be trained as part of the project. The Head of the European Union Delegation to Moldova Dirk Schuebel stressed that the programme is providing support to the public institutions to carry out the reforms and expressed his strong belief that the results of the EU advisers’ work with the key institutions of the country will be visible in a short period of time. He emphasized the important role the team of international experts will have in supporting the Republic of Moldova in fulfilment of its commitments for signing the Association Agreement with European Union. The Coordinator of the EU advisers’ team Rupinder Singh said that the team of international experts will contribute to a clear vision of the Government of Moldova about the European Union integration, will support the country's efforts aimed at sustainable development and at reducing poverty. The team of the EU advisers includes chief technical adviser to the Prime Minister, Coordinator of the advisers’ team Rupinder Singh, Great Britain; communications adviser to the Prime Minister Daniel Diviricean, Romania; adviser to the Minister of Justice Ausra Raulickyte, Lithuania; adviser to the Tax Inspectorate, Ernst Mehrengs, Netherlands; adviser to the Minister of Economy Nick Georgiadis, Greece; adviser to the Public Procurement Agency Riccardo Maia Italy; adviser to the Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry Waldemar Sochaczewski, Poland; adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs Dan Peterson, Sweden; adviser to the Minister of Finance, ongoing selection process.