
European Union is concerned about territorial integrity of Moldova, European expert


The European Union is preoccupied with the territorial integrity of Moldova and ascertains with regret that the situation didn’t improve, while the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia is not treated as a partner in the discussions with Chisinau, but rather as an ordinary raion managed by the authorities, political expert of the EU Delegation to Moldova Mindaugas Kacerauskis said in a roundtable meeting staged by the Institute for Development and Social Initiative “Viitorul”, IPN reports, quoting a communique of the institution.

The political expert recommended the representatives of Gagauzia to renounce the ideology-based actions and to be less bitter towards their discussion partners.

According to those attending the discussion, there is now no efficient dialogue and a compromise that could make the cooperation between them functional. “Viitorul” expert Corneliu Ciurea said the authorities do not pay the necessary attention to this subject, which becomes a major problem in the European integration process. “If we can find discussion partners in Gagauzia, in Chisinau this is difficult. There are not many politicians in Chisinau who become involved in such discussions. Civil society is also passive in this respect,” he stated.

“Viitorul” expert Veaceslav Berbeca said there is no confidence between the two sides and there is no compromise that would make the partnership between Chisinau and Comrat functional. The working group for examining the status for the autonomous unit met with a number of problems owing to the different viewpoints of Chisinau and Comrat.

As to the working group created on March 13, 2014, by order of ex-Head of Parliament Igor Corman, to examine the issues related to the fulfillment of the constitutional provisions concerning the status of the autonomous unit, the representatives of civil society of Gagauzia said this group will not achieve their goal and called on the Moldovan authorities to improve this status and include here members of the Government too, not only of Parliament.