
European Social-Political Center to launch project to raise awareness of EU’s benefits


The public association “European Social-Politic Center” intends to launch a nationwide project aimed at consolidating society and mobilizing resources for ensuring Moldova’s integration into the European Union.

In a news conference at IPN, the Center’s head Gheorghe Costandachi said the project explains why a part of the Moldovans beg from the West, but look at the East. The Center’s activities center on the communication of the advantages of Moldova’s integration into the EU.

“We do not aim to win projects within calls made by the development partners – the EU Delegation, UNDP. During half a year, we already worked out the necessary instruments through which we will be able to demonstrate performance indicators. The Center will focus on long-term results and strategies,” noted Gheorghe Costandachi.

Petru Lificiu, chairman of the Council of the European Union’s committee on environment, energy and transport, said the citizens in the Republic of Moldova do not sufficiently know the phenomenon of integration into the EU. Besides being a union of territories, the European Union is also a union of rules that should be understood and accepted voluntarily by each person in this area. When these rules are understood and their positive impact is visible, Europe will be built at home.

According to the representatives of the European Social-Politic Center, the progress in the integration into the EU depends a lot on the political factor. “The mission of the politicians of the Republic of Moldova is more difficult than in other states as the geographical position of Moldova implies a greater effort to understand and explain things to the people. Therefore, we aim to suggest clear projects and to provide explanations to each citizen as to a path covered within a union of rules,” stated Petru Lificiu.