
European integration is Moldova’s only option, Romanian expert


The European integration is the only option of Moldova from strategic viewpoint because the EU has what to offer Moldova at economic level and results are seen, Romanian foreign policy expert Radu Carp, Doctor of Law, stated in the talk show “Emphasis on today” on TVR Moldova channel, IPN reports.

“Even if many in the Republic of Moldova do not realize it, the evolution of this state with the assistance of European funds is absolutely visible. No one can deny that today the Republic of Moldova looks better owing to European involvement,” stated the expert.

According to Radu Carp, there is now no other economic partner able to offer an alternative to Moldova. If someone says another thing in Chisinau or in Brussels, they are wrong or want to mislead the others. “Why? Because Russia now, even if it wants to present itself as a viable player on the international arena and even if it invests a lot in the defense industry and tries to be present at all the operation theaters, in all the conflicts and to have an active diplomacy from economic viewpoint, the ratio is of one to four. So, the European Union is four times more powerful than Russia,” stated the Doctor of Law.

Radu Carp noted that Brussels knows exactly where all the money invested in the Republic of Moldova comes and goes. Moldova has to only declare that the European integration is its option so as to go further.