
European Action Movement: Last year of Communist rule has been as unfavorable for Moldovan society as previous ones


“The last year of Communist rule as been as unfavorable for the Moldovan society as the former years,” president of the European Action Movement Party (MAE) Anatol Petrencu has told a news conference hosted by Info-Prim Neo, on Tuesday. The party has drawn the results of 2008 and sets the prospects for 2009. “We have no reason to rejoice the successes of the Communist rule, on the contrary the human rights in Moldova have been breeched as during the other years, the judiciary has been subjected to political dictatorship, we have no progresses in economy, no new jobs have been created,” Anatol Petrencu said. The party is especially concerned with the world economic crisis, which already is affecting Moldova: “Seemingly more and more Moldovan return from Italy, Spain, Portugal. The question is how we employ them and what can the present governance offer.” In 2008, MAE voices to form a pro-European and democratic pole. “We belief is that there should alternation to the power in Moldova, as a democratic state. It's natural that other forces also should come to power with other ideas, powers, because the parties staying in power for long get worn out, exhaust their forces, commit abuses and then other forces should come to move society forward,” Petrencu explained. Trying to create this pole, MAE has managed to agree with the National Liberal Party (PNL) to go on a single list in the elections. “The guilt for not creating this single force is shared by the leaders of parties considering themselves to be big,” the MAE leader believes. Anatol Petrencu is certain the parliamentary elections of 2009 will be the main event of the year. MAE and PNL are preparing intensely for the elections. According to Petrencu, the joint participation in the elections will raise both parties' chances to pass over the 6-percent electoral threshold. The PNL's president Vitalia Pavlicenco says the two parties support the initiative of the Romanians Democratic Forum to form a list of national unity. “There are pre-conditions that, through a united force with clear objectives of Euro-Atlantic integration and of defending the national values, we may overthrow democratically ruling coalition of the PPCD and the Communists and thus to give Moldova a chance on its path toward the EU and NATO,” Pavlicenco said. MAE has awarded 17 media having covered its actions in 2008.