
Eugen Sturza: Professionalization of Army will enable Moldova to have well-trained service members


Minister of Defense Eugen Sturza said the process of professionalizing the National Army will enable the Republic of Moldova to have well-trained service members. Currently, Moldova learns from the experience of other countries that did such a reform, especially Romania. The subject was developed in the talk show “Issue of the day” on Canal 2 TV channel, IPN reports.

The minister noted the process of modernizing the army started in 2018, when the relevant strategic documents were approved. Also, in 2018 there were drafted by 400 soldiers fewer and the given places were filled by contract service members. “In 2019, we have the next replacement stage, when 1,000 persons will be substituted with service members employed on a contract. The last stage will be implemented next year. By the end of 2020, we will have only service members on a contract in the National Army,” stated Eugen Sturza.

He said the National Army will switch over to modern equipment. The armament should be replaced. “The National Army regrettably still has armament of the Soviet period that does not meet the current requirements. I refer to the procurement of munitions, units of transport, special equipment and machinery,” he noted, adding Moldova’s cybersecurity is also within the remit of the Ministry of Defense.