
EU welcomes results achieved by Moldova


The pace at which the plan of action for liberalizing the visa regime is implemented, Moldova’s prospects of joining the Common Aviation Area and the holding by Moldova of the presidency of the Energy Community Treaty are among the results achieved by Moldova, which were mentioned in the meeting of the Moldova-EU Cooperation Committee, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to a communiqué from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, the EU’s delegation said there were established good cooperation relations with Moldova. Gunnar Wiegand, Head of the Directorate for Russia, Eastern Partnership and Central Asia of the European External Action Service, underlined the significant progress made by Moldova in fulfilling the commitments, saying the steps taken by the Moldovan authorities are coherent for coming closer to the EU. The Moldovan delegation, headed by Deputy Foreign Minister Natalia Gherman, said the efforts made by the authorities of Moldova are approved of in a series of important documents of EU institutions. Reference was made to the results of the Eastern Partnership Summit, the September resolution of the European Parliament that recognizes Moldova’s European prospects and the decisions by the European Commission and the Council of the European Union that are important for Moldova’s European integration policy. The delegations conferred on trade, the regulatory reform and customs cooperation. The meeting focused on such areas as transport, energy, information society, the environment and interhuman contacts. There were also discussed the talks on the Association Agreement and the prospects of opening negotiations on the creation of a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area. The meeting was co-chaired by Natalia Gherman and Gunnar Wiegand. It took place in Chisinau on October 18.