
EU representative is satisfied with the implementation of the Action Plan RM-UE, but not fully


A year since the Action Plan Moldova-EU was concluded, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MAEIE) together with the state ministries and institutions have undertaken many actions to achieve successfully the Plan, Andrei Stratan, MAEIE minister announced at the Thursday press conference. Cesare de Montis, head of the European Commission to Moldova, announced at the same press conference to be very satisfied of the implementation of the Plan in the first year. Stratan referred to the importance of the Action Plan for Moldova’s European aspirations. He mentioned that concluded the Plan, it was an engagement act for Moldova’s European future, underlining that complete implementation is one of the major goals of Moldova’s leadership and represents another step towards complying with the necessary conditions of the European integration of Moldova. Stratan said that 2006 is a decisional year for implementing the plan, underscoring that the efforts to strengthen the democracy and the law-based state, to continue the economic reforms and to create the conditions to attract foreign investors, to start the discussions with EU in order to facilitate visa regime for Moldovan citizens were undertaken. At his turn, Cesare de Montis noted: „we are satisfied with the implementation of the Plan in the first year, but we could be satisfied even more. We will be fully satisfied only when the plan is whole implemented”. „We expect not only efforts, but results”, the ambassador said while mentioning that there are necessary many actions in the area of respect of human rights, fighting corruption and reform in the judicial system. The European official also noted that Moldova managed to do many things in a very limited time, and this is a proof of country's engagement to set better relations with EU. He mentioned that Moldova presented a list of actions for 2006, which will increase the economic and political trust between both parts. He also reported that in April 2006, it would be held the meeting of the Cooperation Council Moldova-UE, where it will be reiterated the support and assistance given to our country, but do not substitute the individual effort of Moldova. Montis said that he would like to see in Moldova a partner and would like a open and honest dialogue with Moldovan authorities. The Action Plan EU-RM was concluded on 22 February 2005 and is for a 3-year period.