
EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee formulates a set of recommendations


The EU - Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee commends the work already carried out by the Moldovan authorities in implementing the association agenda and takes note of the approval by the Moldovan government of amendments and additions to the National Action Plan for the implementation of the Association Agreement for 2014-2016. It stresses furthermore the need for Moldova to address with renewed strength the fight against corruption, the reform of judiciary and the issue of governance and transparency and invites therefore the new government to tackle these problems as an absolute priority. These are some of the findings and recommendations for the Moldovan authorities formulated in the Committee’s first meeting that took place in Brussels on September 21-22, IPN reports.

According to the Final Statement and Recommendations, the signature and ratification of the Association Agreement does not constitute a final goal in EU-Republic of Moldova relations and, pursuant to Article 49 Treaty of the EU, the Republic of Moldova has a European perspective and may apply to become a member of the European Union provided it adheres to the principles of democracy, respects fundamental freedoms and minority rights, and ensures the rule of law. It recalls that Moldova and the European Parliament ratified the Agreement in 2014, and that to date 24 EU Member states completed the ratification process. The Committee calls upon Belgium, Greece, Italy and the Netherlands to complete this process without delay.

The Committee expresses concerns over Moldova’s financial and banking sector, which constitutes an impediment to the implementation of the Association Agreement and poses a risk to the stable economic development of the country and reiterates the fact that in order to enhance public credibility in the reform process, Moldovan institutions need to address the ongoing situation in the banking sector by ensuring full transparency of the inquiries, recovery of all stolen liquid assets and the bringing before justice of all the persons responsible. It underlines that Moldova's civil society has a key role to play in monitoring the implementation of the Association Agreement and the related government's and parliament's action and stresses therefore that civil society organizations should be given the means and ability to efficiently fulfill this role. It emphasizes the importance of the Civil Society Platform foreseen by the Association Agreement and hopes for its swift establishment and commends the work undertaken in the framework of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum.

The Committee calls on Chisinau and Tiraspol to intensify their efforts to find an effective solution for the settlement of the Transnistria issue in the framework of the 5+2 talks and to take concrete steps to improve the livelihoods of the population and encourages the negotiating parties to agree on a renewed direct dialogue and to convene a new round of 5+2 talks during the course of 2015.

It says that it is aware of the efforts and the amount of resources needed for a gradual approximation of the Moldovan legislation with the EU acquis and welcomes therefore the substantial increase in EU assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova in recent years, with up to € 410 million available for the period 2014-2017. It welcomes further the bilateral assistance provided by EU Member states and encourages all donors to coordinate the programming of their assistance.