
EU financially supports Moldova’s participation in Horizon 2020


The European Union offered Moldova over €900,000 for paying the fees for taking part in the EU’s Research and Innovation Program Horizon 2020 with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years. On August 25, the grant agreement was signed by the Head of the EU Delegetaion to Moldova Pirkka Tapiola and the president of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Gheorghe Duca, IPN reports.

Pirkka Tapiola said they often assert that the quality of life in Moldova must be raised to the European standards, but the harmonization of the legislation is not enough for this. Support for innovation is also necessary. Horizon 2020 represents the basis for developing and deepening the relations between Moldova and the EU.

Gheorghe Duca stated that the countries that joined this program go through an innovation and research management school. Moldova put forward 305 project proposals. There were accepted 58 projects to the value of over €4 million. “We hope that this program will motivate the government to provide more financing for research and innovation as 0.3% of the GDP is not enough,” he said.

Gheorghe Duca also said that Horizon 2020 is not intended for scientists only. The SMEs can also submit proposals. The larger the number of projects presented by the country, the greater will be the chances for a higher number of projects to be accepted. One of the accepted projects refers to nanotechnology. The projects proposed by the institutes of zoology, chemistry and math will also benefit from financing.

The EU Delegation to Moldova, in the name of the European Commission, pledged to provide additional financial support to Moldova for ensuring enhanced research and innovation systems, increased competitiveness of the economy and the creation of workplaces.