
Estonia calls on European governments to hold international trial over Communism


Participants in an international conference that has recently taken place in Tallinn, Estonia, organised by the “Momento” NGO, framed a resolution calling on the European governments to hold a trial over Communism. According to www.delfi.ee, if the communism is condemned as a regime, this will certainly lead to a large amount of petitions, and Russia will ultimately have to pay for all the crimes and injustices done by this regime. Estonians do understand that it will be hard to organise such a trial, as long as the Western countries do not equal the Communist regime to the Nazi one. Nevertheless, the participants expressed their hope that the resolution on territorial occupation, annihilation of local governments and deportation will find support among European countries and the trial will be held. “It is difficult to reshape the European map of values once we can not deliver a verdict against the most destructive ideology of the 20th century,” the statement of the Tallinn conference reads.