
EPC message for Moldova: You are not alone and have chance to leave this gray zone, Igor Boțan


The main message for the Republic of Moldova, which was transmitted by practically all the participants in the European Politian Community Summit, was that the Republic of Moldova is not alone in front of all the risks to which it is exposed and that it should be helped to leave the gray zone, the standing expert of IPN’s project Igor Boțan stated in an interview  entitled “European Political Community Summit to everyone’s understanding.

“The message we heard practically from all the participants is that the Republic of Moldova is not alone. The Republic of Moldova, which is subject to hybrid threats, enjoys all kinds of support. The second point is that the Republic of Moldova should be helped to leave the gray zone,” said Igor Boțan, who remembered a situation that happened before the EU Summit of May 7, 2009, when the Eastern Partnership Summit was launched and when Russia opposed, insisting that the post-Soviet space is or should be an exclusive area of interest of Russia. Such a position of Russia cannot be accepted as this space witnessed separatist conflicts.

“A short war occurred in Georgia in 2008 and we now have an already hot war in the heart of Europe, an aggression. Initially, the annexation of Crimea and then this direct aggression against Ukraine for destroying the country and the people of Ukraine. We cannot accept such messages that are disseminated primarily by the Russian propaganda,” said the expert, noting that the message transmitted at the EPC Summit hosted by Moldova is even more relevant in this context. “The message IS: “You are note alone and you have the chance to leave this gray area”. How? With the support primarily of the EU and also of the whole European community.”

Igor Boțan explained why some of the European leaders said that Moldova is also important as a security provider, not only as a consumer of security. “The Republic of Moldova is important for Europe now primarily because the Republic of Moldova is a neighbor of Ukraine, which is being attacked, and everyone noted the important role played by the Republic of Moldova in solving the problems of Ukrainian refugees. So, taking into account the Republic of Moldova’s potential per capita, this support was among the most considerable aids for Ukraine,” stated the expert.

The expert drew attention to the frozen conflict existing in Moldova’s Transnistrian region, which is controlled by Russia militarily and politically.

“So, the existence of Transnistria itself poses a threat to Ukraine and this thing could be deduced from the speech of President Zelensky, who was very resolute when he stated that this problem should be solved. We also saw the reaction of President Maia Sandu, who said that this conflict should be settled in the interests of the Republic of Moldova, by respecting the independence and sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova, by peaceful ways. But it is anyway a problem that represents a frozen conflict,” stated Igor Boțan.

He noted that last March, April and May, everyone was very concerned after the Snake island was occupied, after Kherson was occupied and after Nikolayev city was attacked as the way to Odessa and from Odessa to Transnistria could have been paved for the occupation troops. But as long as the war continues and it is not known how long it will yet last, the Republic of Moldova, given the aforementioned problems, holds great interest for Europe and for the European Union.

The interview titled “European Political Community Summit to everyone’s understanding” forms part of IPN’s series “Developing political culture through public debates”. The project is implemented with the support of the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany.