
Entrepreneurial activity in security zone in danger of extinction


The entrepreneurial activity in the security zone is on the verge of extinction, say businessmen working in the area and jurists of Promo Lex Association, which protects their interests, Info-Prim Neo reports. Recently, the Chisinau Court of Appeals upheld a decision passed by a Chisinau court, whereby it ordered confiscating manufactures of entrepreneurs operating in the security zone because they were brought from the clothes factory in Tiraspol without documents of origin and were to be sold in the municipality of Chisinau. For their part, the entrepreneurs say the goods were made by the patent holders working in Varnita village of the municipality of Bender. When the goods were being transported to Chisinau, officers of the Bender Police Commissariat that are under the Moldovan Ministry of the Interior's administration confiscated the car and the load thought they were presented receipts for the purchased raw material and documents allowing making clothes. The executive director of Promo Lex Association Alexandru Postica has told Info-Prim Neo that the entrepreneurial activity is very difficult or even impossible in the security zone mainly due to the internal customs posts, police posts and peacekeepers posts set up during ten years and to the officials' attitude. The barriers to transporting the goods make the security zone unattractive for doing business. The local producers and entrepreneurs have to spend many hours to cross the 'border' and take the goods to destination. Furthermore, the public servants have a negative attitude to the local enterprise, considering them smugglers that sell the Transnistrian good on the right bank of the Nistru at much higher prices. Speaking about the confiscation of the manufactures belonging to the entrepreneurs in Varnita, Postica said that the decisions made violate the right to property of these businessmen as the Code of Administrative Offenses does not provide for the confiscation of the goods. He also said that this 'support' provided by the constitutional authorities to the entrepreneurs working in the security zone represents an additional obstacle to unifying the society.