
Entrepreneur says her commercial pavilion was illegally demolished


Ludmila Gandiuc, the manager and founder of “Barbus” SRL, accuses the Chisinau City Hall and the Ciocana district head’s office of illegalities. She said that her commercial pavilion was demolished together with the public transport station. The local authorities aim to make the city look nice, to renovate it but they should not ignore the people who run small businesses and remain without a job as they cannot compete with large business entities in tender contests held by the municipality.

In a news conference  at IPN, Ludmila Gandiuc said that in 1997 she obtained the right to use a lot. In 2001, she built the commercial pavilion with a public transport station. “I worked, paid taxes, the rent. In 2010, I asked to be allowed to reconstruct the pavilion and I was issued with an urbanism certificate. I designed the project but the street was later extended and I had to correct the project for three times until it was authorized by the Architecture Division and the Transport Division,” said the woman.

The procedures were delayed. When the administration of the Chisinau City Hall was replaced, she asked for an audience with the mayor, but all in vain. In 2020, she received a prescription for the demolition of the commercial pavilion. She challenged this document, but no final decision has been made yet. The hearings were put off for a number of times, also because of the COVID-19 pandemic. On April 26 this year, employees of the Ciocana district head’s office told came to demolish the pavilion. She asked to be given a week to sell her merchandise, but she was offered an hour to gather together all the stuff.

The order said that preliminary hearings were held, but Ludmila Gandiuc said that she wasn’t invited to them. The order also said that the document could be disputed within 30 days, but the workers came immediately to demolish the pavilion. She tried to have a meeting with the managers of Ciocana district, but failed to. The workers took out the goods and damaged a part of them. Consequently, five persons remained without a job and cannot find a new one now.

Ludmila Gandiuc noted that the authorities behave abusively towards small entrepreneurs and make them cease operations without offering an alternative. “When I obtained the lot at the auction, they told new that they would give me another lot if the municipality would need that lot for the needs of the city. But the conditions were changed every time the lease was extended, once in ten years. And I cannot do anything as they make changes unilaterally. They acted indecently. I have no funds, but I owe money to two business entities,” complained the entrepreneur.

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