
Energy regulator starts consumer’s rights awareness campaign


The public will be informed through a series of activities, including videos and handouts, about the work of the National Energy Regulatory Agency (ANRE) and about how it can protect their consumer’s rights. The awareness campaign will last until October.

For us it is very important that people know that ANRE does not only tarrif and price regulation work. Few know that the Agency has a special department devoted to consumer’s protection, and our collegues there can offer guidance and help to anyone who feels that his or her rights have been violated by an operator”, ANRE spokesperson Galina Sanduța told IPN.

The campaign’s idea started from the question: what does the public know about ANRE? The first event, a seminar, has already taken place. A social spot to be broadcast online at TV, including on regional television, was launched during this event. The Agency aims to reach as many consumers as possible across the country. There will also be field trips, meetings with citizens will be organized, leaflets and brochures will be distributed.

People will also be informed about the existence of a helpline, +373 800 10 008, which they can call to report any problem. For example, inadequate service provision at filling stations, prolonged power outages, or a supplier’s unwarranted refusal to provide services.

The Agency’s website has also been upgraded to become more consumer friendly. A special rubric will be launched where consumers will be able to find answers.

ANRE has the ability to fine operators for violating consumer’s rights and settle relevant disputes out of court.