
End of term report: Marcel Raducan


As their terms in office near an end, not all the ministers have presented a report of activity. IPN decided to offer the outgoing officials the chance to tell about their accomplishments and failures at the helm of their ministries.

Minister of Regional Development and Constructions Marcel Raducan says that regional development is one of the most important projects for Moldova, one that proved its viability, one that has shown it can change people's lives and that investments should be made not only in cities, but in each village throughout the country.

Thanks to the priorities of regional development programs, 144,000 people from 44 towns and villages now have access to drinking water and sewage systems. Additionally, two drinking water treatment stations have been built in Ungheni and Ocnita and two wastewater treatment plants have been opened in Ocnita and Calarasi.

430,000 now enjoy better roads

The Ministry of Regional Development and Constructions has also improved the road infrastructure, building and renovating local and regional roads in 79 towns and villages. As a result, 430,000 people throughout the country can enjoy new better local roads.

Four dumps have been build in the districts Telenesti, Hancesti, Nisporeni and Sangerei for the management of solid household waste. “We've managed to improve sanitation services for over 350,000 people. In 97 towns and villages there are new containers for collecting waste. We have also bought specialized machinery, thus assuring an efficient solid waste management system”, said the Minister.

Business opportunities

A business incubator has been opened in Larga commune, Briceni district, with modern equipment and furniture, which has so far created business opportunities for 22 entrepreneurs in 8 towns and villages. In order to support the private sector, the Balti Free Economic Zone and the Raut Industrial Park in Balti have been connected to public utilities. Similarly, the works to connect the Edinet Industrial Park to public utilities and access infrastructure are underway.

In Causeni, a Youth and Sports Center was opened to host regional, national and international sports competitions. In order to promote tourism, the Ministry built an access road to the “Alexei Mateevici” Museum in Zaim village, Causeni district, and renovated the culture palaces in Ungheni and In Bahrinesti commune, Floresti district. Additionally, the eco-tourism trail Padurea Domneasca was improved and the Pommer Manor, a historic and architectural monument in Taul village, Donduseni district, was renovated.

Another priority of the Ministry was energy efficiency: street lights have been installed in 6 towns and villages in Soroca district and the energy efficiency of several blocks of the Orhei Regional Hospital has been improved. “Over the last 4 years, we have managed to prove that regional development has a future in Moldova and we've convinced our citizens that we need regional development to improve our towns and villages. These place ought to develop, to have local projects in various fields, with diverse financing, in order to harness their local potential”, said Raducan.

Solving the issue of housing

The Ministry undertook the Project for construction of social housing, which build 249 social apartments for 581 people in Glodeni, Criuleni and Chisinau. In the second stage of the project, the construction of social housing has already started in 8 districts. In Calarasi, 80 houses have been already offered to dwellers. In early 2015, 80 homes in Briceni and Sangerei districts and many other homes in 8 towns and villages in Hancesti district will be put into use.

“Meanwhile, we have already started the construction of a block with 72 apartments in Soroca, a block with 100 apartments in Leova, and by the end of 2018, when the second stage of the project will be finalized, we will have built 700 social apartments for about 2500 families with low income: families with many children, young families, young public sector employees, disabled people, etc.”, explained Raducan.

The authorities are also negotiating with the Council of Europe Development Bank financing for the 3rd stage of the project in order to solve the problem of housing in Moldova. Additionally, the Law on housing was adopted in July 2014, after 16 years of debates. The draft Code of Urbanism is at the final stage of approvals and consultations and it will fix clear rules for constructions and will update all the legislation in the field. Moreover, about 600 European standards for constructions products have been approved, 450 of which are included in the list of standards related to the technical regulation on construction products.

Challenges and unfinished business

“The floods in the summer of 2010 were a big challenge for the Ministry and we managed to build 700 homes for the refugees. Relocating the Cotul Morii village and building homes in Sarateni, Nemteni and Obileni was another challenge. We've also built a kindergarten/primary school in Cotul Morii, with a capacity of 225 children, and connected it to the water and sewage network. We have even built TMS roads throughout the village. In Nemteni, including the new neighborhood, the roads have been asphalted”, said the outgoing official.

As regards the unfinished tasks, the Minister admitted that Moldova is yet to fully assimilate EU constructions standards. He also noted that the Ministry failed to create regional development agencies in Gagauzia, Transnistria and Chisinau and insufficient investments have been attracted in the country's other development regions. However, Raducan is confident that the Ministry staff will continue to work and rise to the challenge because they are capable of assuming and fulfilling any task set by the government in order to improve people's lives.


Note: IPN offered each Minister the chance to recap their tenures, except for the Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry Vasile Bumacov, who had already presented his report before the start of this series. So far, those who have answered the call are Vasile Botnari, Andrian Candu and Valeriu Troenco.

Mariana Galben, IPN