
Employers submit new proposals to Government


The National Employers Confederation of Moldova expressed its regret at the Government’s decision to assume responsibility for the state budget law and other important laws for 2015. In a statement, the Confederation says this decision deprived the business community of the possibility of discussing with the MPs the proposals for improving the fiscal and customs policy, which were ignored by the Government almost fully, IPN reports.

The Confederation calls on the Government to launch consultations on the 2016-2018 Medium-Term Budgetary Framework and the fiscal and customs policy for 2016 so as to ensure predictability. The employers propose designing a methodological guidebook on the calculation and declaration of the incomes of private individuals for 2015 and the related taxes on salaries in order to avoid calculation errors.

The Confederation also suggests immediately launching the central public administration reform so as to reduce the costs of maintaining state institutions and to eliminate the overlapping of posts and enhance their efficiency. The obtained money could be used to increase investments in infrastructure and the agriculture subsidization fund.

The National Employers Confederation reiterates its readiness to hold a constructive dialogue with the central authorities so as to build a favorable business climate and a climate that will stimulate economic growth, pay raises, creation of new jobs and augmentation of the state budget incomes.