
Employers say high taxes pose threats when fiscal system is not optimized


The Moldovan employers insist on the optimization of the national tax system. They say the too high taxes affect the honest businessmen and increase the tax burden borne by them. This leads to their reduced competitiveness in relation to the businesses from the underground economy. Igor Crapivca, chairman of the National Businessmen’s Club “Timpul”, said the authorities must work out a strategy for reducing the tax burden on the legal businesses, IPN reports.

An efficient budgetary-fiscal policy is the optimal way for modernizing and reintegrating Moldova and for attracting investments, considers Igor Crapivca. He said that an increasing number of Moldovans go abroad to work and investments are lost. In order to improve the situation in the labor force sector, the employers suggest reducing the mandatory contributions to the social fund by 2% annually during 5 years. Now the contribution is 29%. By 2018 it must not exceed 19%.

Igor Crapivca said the investments in the Moldovan economy should be stimulated and protected. The authorities should stop putting VAT on the imports of equipment, technology and raw material as this is against the constitutional provisions stipulating that all the forms of ownership, investments and investors are equal before the law and enjoy equal taxing conditions.

According to the chairman of “Timpul”, the costs for extensive repair works and for training specialists must be refunded. The dividends of the private individuals and legal entities should not be taxed, while the income tax rate for 2014 should be 11% and for 2015 - 10%.

Igor Crapivca said the tax inspections should be optimized, while the fiscal reporting procedure for all the companies working in agriculture should be simplified.

The employers are ready to create working groups of businessmen for cooperating with the authorities in drafting the policies needed to overcome the obstacles to the harmonious development of the business sector. On November 12, the National Employers Confederation of Moldova stages a forum of businessmen, where there will be presented a study on the constraints faced by businesses and proposals for dealing with them.