
Employers are required to pay salary in full on day of termination of employment


Employers are required by law to pay all the owed salaries in full right on the day of an employee's termination of employment and return him or her the work record card with all the necessary entries. Failing to do so will amount to a violation of the labor legislation, says Igor Ciloci, deputy head of the Labor Inspectorate, who recommends employees to call on labor inspectors in such cases. “Priorities are given to written complaints, based on which inspectors travel to the spot or meet with the complainant. If the complainant wishes to keep his or her identity confidential, a special procedure allows it”, said Igor Ciloci. Ciloci added that if employees work during nighttime hours, i.e. during 22:00-6:00, the employee is required to reduce work hours by an hour and double the salary. Providing employees with transportation during nighttime hours is left at the discretion of employers and this should be specified in a special clause in the individual employment agreement.