
„Emil Loteanu” Grand Prix First Winners Named


The script writer Dumitru Olarescu and the diector Vlad Druc are the first winners of the “Emil Loteanu’” Grand Prix, instituted by the Cineastes’ Union of Moldova. The chairman of the Cineastes’ Union, Eugen Sobor, notes that the true professionals do shoot movies despite this uneasy period. The Cineastes’ Union decided to give the “Emil Loteanu” awards every two years to any kind of movies, added Eugen Sobor. In this way the first award is handed to the producers of movies created in 2003-2005. The president of the jury, the writer Vladimir Besleaga, informed Info-Prim Neo that the decision to offer the Award “Emil Loteanu” to the playwright Dumitru Olarescu and to the director Vlad Druc was determined by the indisputable value of the movie “Aria” the winner of the last years’ Grand Prix of “Cronograf” Festival, which tells the story of the great singer Maria Cibotari. The movie “Aria” was selected out of 6 works. The members of the jury, the playwright and cineaste Mihai Poiata, declared that the Grand Prix will be given to the best, who “despite the barriers set by the leadership of the “Moldova-Film” studio, are improving their skills and shoot movies”. Poiata also declared that in order to change the situation from “Moldova-Film” serious steps are undertaken and he made an appeal to all the Moldovan cineastes to accept foreign investments, which will not only revive the Moldovan cinematography, but will also contribute to create proper work conditions for hundreds of persons”. The “Emil Loteanu” Awards Festivity took place within the “Cronograf” Festival.