
Electricity consumption for Wednesday is fully ensured


The electricity demand on the right bank of the Nistru River will be fully satisfied on Wednesday. According to information provided by the Government's Crisis Cell, consumption is expected to be by about 1.5 percent lower than on Tuesday, IPN reports.

JSC Energocom fully reserved the commercial capacity at the border with Romania so as to import electricity and thus meet the domestic electricity demand for today. Emergency supply contracts will not be necessary.

On January 21, the electricity consumption on the right bank of the Nistru increased by about 14.7% compared to the previous day to 15,905,000 kWh.

The peak demand was between 05:00 p.m. and 08:00 p.m., reaching 908 MW.

In the Transnistrian region, the scheduled five-hour power cut once a day continues. On the left bank of the Nistru, the electricity consumption on January 21 amounted to 4,205,000 kWh. The demand was met with power supplied by the Kuchurgan power plant, the Dubăsari hydropower plant and the technological flow.