
Electric bills to be paid within 10 days from the date specified on the bill


Electric bills must be paid for within 10 days from the date specified on the new invoices. Electricity distributors have the right to disconnect the consumers who failed to pay the bills in time, without any additional warnings. The warning is contained in the new forms of the monthly bills. The National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE) reminds that to optimise the expenses of the electricity distribution networks (RED), it approved in July new type forms for the bills for the energy distributed to household consumer and economic agents. The operational changes of the ANRE removed the duty of the distributors to send special warnings through official letters. The agency states that this would avoid expenses implied by the procedure, which accordingly, are not included in the structure of the electric energy delivery tariffs. Moreover, the expenses related to disconnection and reconnection of indebted individuals will be their responsibility and not that of all consumers, as previously. The consumer has the right to request the distributor to reconnect to the electric network after the payment of the debt. The distributor must proceed within the shortest period of time, and not later than two working days from the moment the request was made. For local consumers, the payment sum for reconnection, depending on the disconnection point, varies from 85 to 509 lei. As of July 1, 2007, REDs in Moldova were servicing over 1.2 million customers.