
Educational offer of “Nicolae Testemiţanu” University


The Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Dentistry and the Faculty of Pharmacy are the most popular with the candidates who choose to study at the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemițanu”. Among the integrated bachelor’s degree studies that last for four years, optometry, which is a new specialty, is the most popular one. The University’s rector, professor Emil Ceban said all the specialties are interesting and each of them has its value.

Optometry is a new specialty, but it is popular with the future students.  The program trains assistants to ophthalmologists. They prescribe eyeglasses and work for optical units that are all private ones. The profession is rather popular.

Emil Ceban said that this year they introduced the new specialty of radiological technology. The students will work in state-run and private diagnostic centers. This specialty is needed as medicine now provides modern equipment with which these graduates must work.

The University’s medical offer for 2020-2021 covers seven programs, namely higher medical bachelor’s degree studies at the following programs: optometry (four years); general medical assistance (four years); public health (four years), and radiological technology (four years), and higher integrated medical studies: medicine (six years); dentistry (five years) and pharmacy (five years).

As to the resumption of the education process in September given the epidemiological situation, the rector said they are considering a number of possibilities, including combined forms of education. The lectures will continue to be taught online, while the practical lessons will be given in clinics with separate entrances so that the students avoid the COVID-19 wards. The number of students in lecture halls and of practical lessons will be reduced and lectures will be taught in two shifts. “Fear moved to a new stage. The medical students are future doctors who should cope in any conditions,” stated Emil Ceban.

Admission at the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemițanu” starts on July 27 and ends on August 4. At the first stage, candidates will submit the required documents online, on the specially created platform e-admitere.usmf.md. The preliminary results of the admission contest will be announced on August 7. The documents in the original will be accepted during August 8-18, while the final results will be made public on August 20.