
Editorial boards that didn’t sign Deontological Code invited to do it


The editorial boards that haven’t yet publicly declared their adherence to the professional norms are invited to sign the Journalist’s Deontological Code of Moldova and to thus confirm their commitment to be responsible to the public. In this regard, the Press Council of the Republic of Moldova launched a campaign entitled “Press can be responsible. We sign Deontological Code” on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day that is annually celebrated on May 3, IPN reports.

In a press release, the Council says the observance of the deontological norms ensures the provision of high-quality and professionally produced content for the public and excludes manipulation and distortion of facts. In the period during which the tendencies to distort the reality through propaganda, information war and manipulation are very pronounced, the public in Moldova expect credible information and responsible, honest and balanced approaches to the reality from journalists. The adherence by editorial broads to the quality standards and assumption of the Deontological Code are a proof of the responsibility to the public.

The editorial boards can sign the Deontological Code by sending a confirmatory message to the email address of the Press Council’s Secretariat or by filling out a form on www.consiliuldepresa.md.

The Press Council encourages the signatory editorial boards to inform their public about the signing of the Deontological Code by posting a mention about this on their websites or in other ways, depending on the media platform they represent.

So far the Journalist’s Deontological Code of Moldova has been signed by 97 media outlets and mass media organizations.