
Economic and social rights are most often neglected in Moldova, protesters


Amnesty International Moldova calls on the Government of the Republic of Moldova to adopt a national plan of action for improving the social security services, IPN reports. In a protest mounted in front of the Government Building, Amnesty International Moldova programs coordinator Igor Stoica said a recent UN study shows the economic, social and cultural rights of the Moldovan citizens have been most often violated during the past few years.

Amnesty International Moldova demands to increase the child benefit, the allowances and pensions provided to elderly people and persons with disabilities and the quality of social care. The organization suggest creating a working group that will include representatives of the Government and civil society for identifying solutions and improving social assistance in the Republic of Moldova, in accordance with the European standards.

“The persons with disabilities are not sufficiently protected. These persons cannot find a job owing to a number of impediments. The minimum subsistence level since 2016 has been 1,799 lei a month, which is not much if we look at the prices and costs of public services. This thing should be urgently remedied,” stated Igor Stoica.

Amnesty International Moldova executive director Cristina Pereteatcu said not many schools in Moldova have sanitary facilities inside. There are Roma children who do not have identification papers and cannot benefit from the rights to education and health. “This is very serious. There are a number of problems. Even if all the human rights are important, without the right to decent living we cannot speak about the right not to be tortured. We call on the Government to focus on the citizens,” stated Cristina Pereteatcu.