
Ecologists solicit authorities to urgently examine created situation in water supply field in Chisinau


Chisinau Territorial Organization of the Ecologist Movement from Moldova (OTC MEM) calls on Chisinau’s public administration to urgently examine the water supply situation in Chisinau and to undertake all necessary measures in order to prevent total degradation of aqueduct and sewerage systems as well as reduction of the quality of services provided by JSC “Apa-Canal Chisinau” (ACC). According to a declaration of OTC MEM, lately the activity of the aqueduct and inner canalization equipment ACC has worsened significantly. Due to the high level of networks’ degradation, the exploitation regime is frequently violated. Besides that, the reparation works of 8 canalization sections in different regions of the city were not carried out. Daily, thousands cubic meters of water go into soil. As a result the level of phreatic waters goes up, and the danger of soil erosion emerges, with serious consequences for the existent apartment blocks and future constructions. According to the ecologists, this situation can be explained through the severe insufficiency of financial resources of ACC. Even if the population integrally pays for all the services provided by the water supplier, the collected means do not cover the current expenses of the enterprise, which accumulated huge debts. The tariffs for water and canalization were not changed during 5 years, whilst the prices of all materials and services considerably increased in price, is also said in the declaration. The organization solicits the local public administration to examine this issue, and the Government – to not remain indifferent and offer multilateral support in order to overcome the crisis of Chisinau city.