
Ecologist Party warns about possible road cave-in


The road going near Tribasauti village of Briceni district, which serves also as dam for a nearby pond, runs the risk of caving in owing to the heavy rain. Thus, a number of settlements are exposed to the risk of being flooded, the Ecologist Party “Green Alliance” warns, Info-Prim Neo reports. “As the water went beyond the asphalt, the road, which is of national importance, risks being not only inundated, but also destroyed. As it serves as dam for the pond that is 25 hectares in area, several settlements will be flooded if the road caves in,” the party’s secretary general Andrei Dumbraveanu told a news conference. The State Ecological Service, the Emergencies Divisions, Moldova’s Water Agency and the Ministry of Transport do not take appropriate measures, Andrei Dumbraveanu said, stressing they focus only on the settlements located near the rivers Prut and Nistru. The party considers a plan should be worked out to prevent floods and monitor all the ponds and lakes that pose flood danger. It calls on the relevant bodies to consider their proposal and take steps. “More than 3,000 ponds in Moldova are not supervised. Moldova loses over 43 million lei a year because its water resources are not efficiently managed. Money must be allocated to prevent the floods. We must not wait for floods and then decide how to spend the money,” Andrei Dumbraveanu said.