
ECO-BUS WEEKLY DIGEST July 11-16. Most important Economy & Business news by IPN


● MONDAY, July 11

Corn harvest expected to be larger than last year

An average crop of 2.9-3.2 tonnes per hectare is anticipated this year. According to the State Hydrometeorology Service, the harvest will be larger than last year, when 2.2 tonnes per hectare were collected on average. The corn harvest was the greatest in 2008, 2010, 2011 and 2014, when it exceeded 3.2 tonnes of grains per hectare.

● TUESDAY, July 12

Energy regulator makes public price ceilings for next two weeks

The National Agency for Energy Regulation on July 12 made known the price ceilings for the next two weeks. The price ceiling for gasoline is lower than two weeks ago, while for diesel fuel is slightly higher. The prices of liquefied petroleum gas will be set by importers and traders following particular amendments made to the legislation. For the next two weeks, the Agency set the following price ceilings: 15.83 lei per liter of gasoline coded 95, down 0.28 lei compared with two weeks ago, and 14.03 lei for diesel fuel, by 0.3 lei more.

● WEDNESDAY, July 13

Foreign experts suggest creating accountable R&I implementation Agency

An independent, transparent and accountable research and innovation (R&I) implementation Agency, which concentrates and allocates all available R&I funding on the basis of international standards, should be created in the Republic of Moldova, recommended a Panel of high-level independent experts representing the European Commission, who carried out a Peer Review of the research and innovation system of Moldova. According to the Government’s press office, the policy recommendations were presented in a meeting of Prime Minister Pavel Filip and the group of experts led by Krzysztof Gulda. The European experts consider it necessary to eliminate the barriers and institute stimuli for the participation of businesses in research and invocation and to develop the scientific potential of the diaspora and motivate young talents to build a scientific career.

Moldova becomes part of European assistance project in civil aviation

An assistance project in the area of civil aviation, implemented under the aegis of the European Aviation Safety Agency, was launched in Chisinau on July 13. Eight states are beneficiaries of this project, namely Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, Tajikistan, and Moldova. “Civil aviation represents the visiting card of a country abroad. Within this project, Moldova will benefit from the consultancy of the best EU specialists in the field. The reformation of air transport is a strategic direction for the Government of the Republic of Moldova. By developing this sector, we expect not only the passenger transportation capacity to increase, but also the national economy to develop by indirectly stimulating such areas of activity as financial services, tourism and trade,” Prime Minister Pavel Filip said in the project launch.

Economy Ministry proposes changes to patent-based commercial activity

The Ministry of Economy suggests a new formula for regulating patent-based entrepreneurial activity so as to ensure fair competition and to create equitable taxation condition. Minister of Economy Octavian Calmac told this to representatives of the protests who were mobilized by the Small Biasness Association near the Government Building. “It was proposed that the small and medium-sized enterprises should be exempted from inspections for a period of five years, should pay a common tax of 2-3% of the turnover, should benefit from a simple fiscal reporting system and that any inspection at these companies should be consultative in character,” stated the minister.

Cricova sparkling wine to be included in guidebook of world’s best frothy wines

The Cricova sparkling wine will be included in the guidebook of the world’s best frothy wines as a result of the Champagne and Sparkling Wine World Championships 2016 held in the UK. A panel of tasting experts selected 292 champagnes and sparkling wines. Of these, 149 won gold, while 143 won silver and will be included in the aforementioned guidebook that will be available in 13 countries. The contest results will be disseminated by about 45 thematic magazines.

Program “Moldova’s Orchard” launched

More than 300 economic entities that work in horticulture and over 52,000 peasant farmsteads will be able to raise investment loans at an advantageous interest rate, repayable in at most ten years, with a grace period of up to four years. This is possible within the program to restructure the horticulture sector of Moldova “Livada Moldovei” (“Moldova’s Orchard) that was launched in Chisinau. The project is implemented with the financial support of the European Investment Bank. A loan can be of at least €5,000 and can be used to modernize and mechanize primary production processes in horticulture, to equip the irrigation and anti-hail systems and to diversify the market for Moldovan fruit.

Three Free Economic Zone administrators vacate seats

The Cabinet on July 13 accepted the resignations tendered by three administrators of Free Economic Zones. These are Nicolae Calin, who headed the Free Economic Zone Expo Business Chisinau, Constantin Maslencov, of the Free Economic Zone Tvardita, and Vladimir Taucci, of the Free Economic Zone “Parcul de productie Taraclia” (“Taraclia production zone”). The reasons for the resignations of the three directors, who were named for a five-year term, weren’t specified. This term didn’t expire in any of the cases.

● THURSDAY, July 14

New draft Civil Aviation Code to be debated by Parliament in autumn

The new drat Civil Aviation Code was included in the agenda of the autumn session of Parliament and ensures the transposition of about 80 documents and technical regulations of the European Union, Speaker of Parliament Andrian Candu said in a meeting with the Director General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission Henrik Hololei. Among the actions taken lately, Andrian Candu enumerated the adoption of the new Code of Road Transport and of amendments to the Civil Aviation Law and the joining by Moldova of number of European conventions with the aim of adjusting traffic standards.

Economic Council will have working group for investment attraction

The Economic Council coordinated by the Prime Minister will have a working group for attracting investment. The decision was taken in the second meeting of the Economic Council that was chaired by Prime Minister Pavel Filip. He spoke about the new composition of the Economic Council and how this body works after it was reformed. It now has 59 members who are representatives of business associations, central public authorities, academic community and the community of donors as well as ministers.

Moldova’s Railways will guarantee part of EBRD loan

The state-run company “Calea Ferata din Moldova” (“Moldova’s Railways”) will be partially freed from the obligation of ensuring the repayment of the loan distributed by the Ministry of Finance for implementing the project to purchase locomotives and to restructure the railway infrastructure that is financed by the EBRD. A bill to this effect was approved by the Government. The loan will be guaranteed by Moldova’s Railways only partially, by securing the locomotives purchased with the loan. Minister of Transport and Road Infrastructure Iurie Chirinciuc explained that the company does not have assets that can be secured as these are fully engaged in freight and passenger transportation.

Rights of consumers to be better protected

The Government approved a decision to set up a Coordination Council for Consumer Protection and Market Surveillance. Among the main objectives of the Council will be to better protect the rights of consumers, in accordance with the legislation, to standardize the legal framework and to safeguard consumers’ interests as regards the compliance of nonfoods placed on the market.

Authorities urged to examine transactions of company “Energocapital” in offshore areas

A number of civil society representatives made a call to the authorities, requesting them to determine the legality of the financial transactions of the Transnistrian company “Energocapital” in offshore areas through the banking system of Moldova. It is about transactions to the value of almost US$20 million. The money was reportedly transferred to Hong Kong. Energy experts said this money come from the payments made by Transnistrian consumers for electricity.

● FRIDAY, July 15

Content of Moldovan-Russian roadmap to be discussed at end-July

The Ministry of Economy proposed to the Russian authorities that the experts who are to finalize the joint roadmap that will state the key elements of the commercial-economic relations between the two states should meet in Moscow at the end of July. Moldova’s delegation will be led by Deputy Minister of Economy Vitalie Iurcu. The decision to constitute groups of experts for working out the joint roadmap was taken in the enlarged meeting of the co-chairmen of the Moldovan-Russian intergovernmental commission for economic cooperation, Octavian Calmac and Dmitry Rogozin, which was held in Chisinau on July 5-6.