
ECO-BUS WEEKLY DIGEST January 14-20. Most important Economy & Business news by IPN


● MONDAY, January 14

Simplified procedure for crossing administrative line

A simplified procedure for crossing the administrative line for business entities that serve inhabitants of Dubăsari district will be applied until March 31. The measure refers to carriers that transport such basic necessities as food products and drugs and haulers that serve post officers. The Bureau of Reintegration Policies said the move was agreed in negotiations and is aimed at providing the necessary assistance to entrepreneurs in Dubăsari and local post offices.

● TUESDAY, January 15

Average official salary forecast for 2019

The average official salary in 2019 will be 6,975 lei, a nominal increase of 9% on 2018 and a real increase of 3.9% according to the last forecast made in September 2018. The Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure said the forecast was made before the fiscal reform was implemented and before the new salary system was introduced in the budgetary sector. Currently, the Ministry of Economy is reviewing the forecast macroeconomic indicators, including the forecast average official salary. As to the size of the minimum official salary in 2019, the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure said the subject is within the remit of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection. According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, the minimum official salary set in October 2014 was 1,000 lei. The minimum guaranteed salary in the real sector in May 2018, which is reviewed each year, was 2,610 lei.

New normative framework for implementing law on state-owned and municipal enterprises

Draft normative documents that will ensure the functioning of the new law on state-owned and municipal enterprises were published by the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure for public consultations before being approved by the Government. The documents refer to the draft statutes of state-owned enterprises and municipal enterprises where reference is made to the property of these companies that can be included in the social capital, minimum social capital, administration bodies, method of distributing the made profit, procedure for reorganizing and dissolving the state-owned and municipal enterprises and other aspects related to their work.

● WEDNESDAY, January 16

Works to build Ungheni-Chisinau gas pipeline underway

The Romanian company “Transgaz” started to build the Ungheni-Chisinau natural gas pipeline. The managers of “Vestmoldtransgaz” earlier this week signed the contract for the construction of the administrative complex Ghidighici. The signing of the document marks the start of the construction works and of the implementation of measures to operate, exploit and maintain the Iași-Ungheni-Chisinau gas pipeline. According to the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, “Vestmoldtransgaz” is the technical operator of the national natural gas transportation system of Moldova and ensures the fulfilment of the conditions of efficiency, transparency, safety, non-discriminatory access and competitiveness of the national natural gas transportation strategy by observing the European and national legislation, the quality, performance, environmental and sustainable development standards.

Larger bee honey exports can be ensured by producing ecological honey, expert

Larger bee honey exports and higher honey prices during the next few years can be ensured by switching over to the production and certification of ecological honey. In an analysis on his blog, economist of the Institute for Development and Social Initiative “Viitorul” Veaceslav Ioniţă said we are witnessing the recovery of a promising branch in Moldova – ecological bee honey. According to Veaceslav Ioniţă, with the support of the U.S. project High-Value Agriculture, the Moldovan beekeepers will obtain the first certificates for ecological honey in 2019. This means honey exports could double during the next two-three years.

THURSDAY, January 17

Fredolin Lecari: Smuggling of goods, arms and vigilance of border police increased

The smuggling of goods at the border in 2018 rose in volume by 51% compared with a year before to 115 cases. The trafficking in arms and munitions grew by 78% to 34 cases, the chief of the Border Police Fredolin Lecari as saying in the talk show “Fabrika” on Publica TV channel. Fredolin Lecari noted that in 2018 the border police officers discovered over 500 false papers with which travelers tried to cross the border. The number of cases of use of false and counterfeit documents was 14% higher compared with 2017. There were also discovered 91 cases of violation of the state border crossing rules for the purpose of illegal migration, with 116 persons being detained. “This shows a part of the citizens still practice illegal activities, but also shows that the vigilance of the border police has increased,” stated the official.

Non-adjustment of tariffs makes many veterinarians abandon profession

The tariffs of services provided by veterinarians haven’t been adjusted since 2007. President of the National Association of Veterinarians of Moldova Nicolae Starchuk has told that since then the prices of medicines needed by a vet increased essentially and the non-adjustment of tariffs made many gave up working in the field. The situation is more complicated in the case of official veterinarians employed at district divisions. The salary of a beginner vet is 2,200 lei and it’s time to raise it at least twice, stated Nicolae Starchuk. He also referred to the shortage of staff, saying there are freelance veterinarians who serve 7-12 communities. About 40 vets annually graduate from the faculty, but only several of them become employed. Owing to the low salaries, the young specialists do not see prospects in the field. The average age of veterinarians is 50-55 years.

Impact of recent snow on crops

Last week’s heavy snowfall resulted in a layer of snow that protects crops from frost. According to specialists of the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, the snow will enable water to gradually penetrate the soil, ensuring sufficient moisture for the development of crops when it starts to warm up. Vasile Șarban, head of the Production, Processing Policy and Quality Regulation Division, said the snow does not melt immediately and there are no risks of landslides or erosion. The snow wasn’t blown away and this is beneficial as the layer of snow is rather uniform even if it varies from 10 to 25 centimeters. As the intensity of the wind was moderate, all the crops were covered with snow.

20 new providers entered electronic communications and postal services markets in 2018

Eighteen entrepreneurs in 2018 were authorized to provide public electronic communications networks or services accessible to the public, while two applicants were allowed to provide postal services. According to the regulator, 492 persons were included in the Public Register of providers of electronic communications networks and services by the end of last yearend. Also, 39 persons were put on the Public Register of providers of postal services. Of those who entered the electronic communications market, 15 chose to provide both electronic communications networks and services accessible to the public, two decided to provide only networks, while one only services. Among the most popular activities were the provision of public terrestrial fixed wireless access networks, Internet access services and audiovisual program retransmission services.

Over 10,000 leases registered in second half of last year

The State Tax Service in the second half of last year registered 10,562 leases and tenancy agreements. Tax inspectors carried out fiscal inspections at 447 private individuals who lease out real estate and calculated payments to the budget of over 486,000 lei, penalties of over 58,000 lei and fines of over 46,000 lei. Last December, there were identified 407 private individuals-owners who lease out real estate and, following the measures taken by tax inspectors to make these comply with the fiscal rules, there were registered 992 tenancy contracts and leases and over 41,000 lei taxes were paid in the budget as a result.

● FRIDAY, January 18

Moldova will get one more tranche from IMF

Prime Minister Pavel Filip said the Republic of Moldova will receive one more tranche from the International Monterey Fund before the current program with this organization expires. In the program “Moldova live” on the public TV channel Moldova 1, the Premier said the size of the tranche is not yet known as negotiations are yet to be held and the necessary analyses are to be carried out. “We have to get one more tranche from the IMF and this will come after the parliamentary elections as we do not usually have IMF assessment missions during campaigns. Afterward, we will discuss the extension of the program,” stated Pavel Filip. According to him, such an agreement was reached with the most recent IMF mission that visited Chisinau.

Average salary for 2019 forecast to be by 9% higher

The Government for 2019 forecasts an average monthly official salary of 6,975 lei a month, which is by 9% higher than last year’s average pay in nominal terms. The average monthly official salary is used to calculate the mandatory state social insurance contributions. It is also used as a ceiling to calculate the state social insurance allowances and mandatory state social insurance contributions from the financial assistance provided by trade unions and employers.

List of subjects that can extend VAT payment deadline prolonged

Two more companies will be added to the list of subjects that can extend the VAT and customs duty payment deadline. The extension right is valid for the period of the production cycle, but for not more than 180 days, in case of raw material, accessories, primary packing and supplementary articles imported for making exclusively goods intended for export. Minister of Economy and Infrastructure Kiril Gaburici said the two companies – “Iraid Sor” SRL and SRL “Euro - Alco” – were chosen by the interdepartmental commission set up by order of the Minister of Economy and Infrastructure. The commission consists of representatives of the Ministry of Finance, the Customs Service, the State Tax Service and the Chamber of Trade and Industry.

Criteria for classifying tourist accommodation facilities modified

The Cabinet approved changes to a previous Government decision that specify the methodological norms and criteria for classifying tourist accommodation facilities that serve meals. By these amendments, the Government’s normative documents are adjusted to the changes made to a number of laws. The duty to classify tourist accommodation facilities will be transmitted by the Tourism Agency to the Public Services Agency. The notion “rural house” will be added to the list of types of tourist accommodation units.

Over 200 petitions from users of electronic communications filed to ICT regulator

The users of electronic communications and postal services last year submitted 229 petitions to the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology, a decrease of 5.8% compared with 2017. According to the Agency, the examined petitions referred mainly to the contractual relations. Of all the petitions, 90.4% (209 petitions) concerned the electronic communications and 9.6% (20 petitions) the conditions of providing postal services. The contractual relationship with the service providers was the main dissatisfaction expressed.

Deadline for selling new share issue of Moldindconbank extended

The Executive Board of the National Bank of Moldova on January 18 decided to extend by three months the time limit for selling the new share issue of Moldindconbank. An undividable holding of 63.89% of the bank’s share capital is put up for auction. In a press release, the central bank, making reference to Governor Octavian Armaşu said, the attraction of an investor is the preferable method of going out of temporary administration. The process of attracting an investor, of studying the investment opportunities and of receiving the approval of the National Bank is a long-lasting one.