
ECO-BUS WEEKLY DIGEST December 25 - 31. Most important Economy & Business news by IPN


TUESDAY, December 26

Food grows more expansive in Russia

After eggs became a subject of Vladimir Putin’s annual teleconference, the population of Russia is preparing to face a new increase in food prices, IPN reports with reference to regional Russian media, which writes that large retail chains received notifications from producers and suppliers about the rise in delivery prices of a wide assortment of goods from the very start of next year.

Deadline for paying wealth tax for 2023 expires today

The deadline for paying the wealth tax for 2023 is December 26. Late payments are subject to a penalty of 0.0740% of the unpaid tax amount for each day of delay.

Entrepreneurs will submit fewer reports as of next year

Fifteen reports as from next year will be struck off the list of 92 reports received by the National Bureau of Statistics and the State Tax Service from economic agents. Another nine reports will be digitized, while 14 will be significantly simplified and abridged, Deputy Prime Minister Dumitru Alaiba, Minister of Economic Development and Digitalization, announced at a press briefing.

Over 90% of patentees switched over to independent activity or LLC

On July 1, all holders of entrepreneurial patents were obliged by law to switch over to independent activity and provide buyers with a receipt. Since then, over 90% of the over 4,000 patentees have transitioned to independent activity or LLCs, said Deputy Prime Minister Dumitru Alaiba, Minister of Economic Development and Digitalization. Also, according to the official, over 2 million receipts totaling over 325 million lei have been issued since then.

2024 municipal budget must be adopted with broad political consensus, expert

Veaceslav Ioniță, expert of the Institute for Development and Social Initiatives “Viitorul”, believes that Chisinau will enter the new year without an approved budget. In his opinion, the document has not yet been approved because the Chisinau Municipal Council failed to form a coalition and did not reach a broader consensus. The 2024 budget must be a budget of a broad political consensus, focused on investments covered by new sources of revenue.

Moratorium on employment in budgetary sector to be extended for one more year

The moratorium established in 2022 on employment in state-funded budgetary institutions is to be extended for another year. A draft Government decision published for public consultations says that this is a temporary measure that will be valid until December 31, 2024.

● WEDNESDAY, December 27

Dumitru Alaiba: We will liberalize labor market for citizens of Turkey and other states

Deputy Prime Minister Dumitru Alaiba has announced a new labor market liberalization stage. Following the simplification of the procedure for obtaining the right to work for citizens of the European Union member states, the Minister of Economic Development and Digitalization said that the labor market will be now liberalized for citizens of Turkey, Armenia, Ukraine, Georgia, and the Balkan countries. According to the official, the initiative is designed to solve the pressing labor shortage problem faced by all sectors of the economy.

Alexandru Slusari: Moldova definitely needs another minister of economy

“Moldova definitely needs another minister of economy because the man is detached from reality and focuses on goals that at present cannot contribute at all to saving the economy,” said the executive director of the Farmers’ Force Association Alexandru Slusari, who harshly criticized the results presented on Tuesday by Deputy Prime Minister Dumitru Alaiba, Minister of Economic Development and Digitalization.

Two national road segments will be part of TEN-T network

The Soroca-Drochia-Costesti road segment, border with Romania, and the Anenii Noi-Causeni-Stefan Voda road segment, border with Ukraine, will be part of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). The railway sections Chisinau-Cainari-Basarabeasca and Balti-Ocnita will also be included in the network. This is stipulated in a High-Level Memorandum of Understanding between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova on the indicative maps of the Trans-European Transport Network in the Republic of Moldova.

Moldova ratifies ILO Violence and Harassment Convention

The Republic of Moldova will ratify the International Labor Organization Convention on Violence and Harassment in the World of Work, which was adopted in Geneva on June 21, 2019 and entered into force on June 25, 2021. The goal of the document is to ensure a safe working environment free from violence and harassment. The ratification bill was approved by the Cabinet on Wednesday.

State to borrow €5 million from Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego

The state will borrow €5 million from Poland’s Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. The draft loan agreement was approved by the Cabinet on Wednesday.

Over 100 farmers get €16.5 million funding with EU support

A number of 109 farmers received €16.5 million in funding this year within the EU-funded “Moldova’s Orchard” program.

Moldova becomes world’s third largest exporter of fresh plums and a leader in Europe

Moldova has reached record figures in fresh plum exports this year, becoming the world’s third largest exporter and an undisputed leader in Europe. In January-September 2023, Moldovan producers exported over 47,000 tonnes of fresh plums, generating revenues of over US$22.8 million.

CES: Enegocom will conclude electricity procurement contracts for 2024 by December 29

The joint stock company Enegocom is to conclude electricity procurement contracts for 2024 by December 29. By the same date, Moldovagaz and Energocom will sign a contract for the delivery of natural gas for January-April 2024. A decision to this effect was approved by the Commission for Emergency Situations (CES) on Wednesday.

Nordgaz Furnizare : ANRE’s decision to suspend license is illegal and will be challenged in court

The decision by the National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE) to suspend Norgaz Furnizare’s license for the supply of natural gas is illegal and will be challenged in court. Vestmoldtransgaz’ actions that led to this suspension will also be disputed, Alexandr Grosu, director of Nordgaz Furnizare, stated in a press briefing.

According to him, the text of ANRE’s decision shows that the examination of the issue regarding the suspension of the license was initiated based on an informative note from Vestmoldtransgaz. However, according to the provisions of the Administrative Code, ANRE was obliged to inform Nordgaz Furnizare about the receipt of this informative note and to enable it to get acquainted with its content before the meeting.

Residential Energy Efficiency Fund in three years will amount to at least 723m lei

Over the next three years, the Moldovan Residential Energy Efficiency Fund (MREEF) will have a budget of at least 723 million lei. According to a Government decision, the money is to be collected from enterprises operating in the energy sector. The initiative refers to the Energy Efficiency Obligations Scheme that will take effect starting with 2024.

Electronic row for trucks to be instituted at frontier posts

Truck traffic through state border crossing points is to be streamlined. The Cabinet approved the establishment of the information system for programming electronic rows at the border, and also the Regulations on the functioning of the system and the programming rules at state border crossing points.

Grain imports to be allowed only under license

During the next 3 months, imports of wheat, corn and sunflower seeds, including crushed ones, will be allowed only under a license issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, as decided today by the Commission for Exceptional Situations.

● THURSDAY, December 28

Oleg Tofilat on salary arrears at CFM: We manage on what we earn

The director of the state-owned enterprise “Moldova’s Railways” (CFM) Oleg Tofilat admits that the entity is facing financial problems and, because of this, the employees have not yet received their salaries. According to the director, the company has only the money it earns and the reduction in revenues has generated salary arrears. Also, the war in Ukraine upset authorities’ plans to buy new locomotives and wagons.

2024 highest margin on First House loans remains 3%

The maximum margin that lenders will be able to apply in 2024 for state guaranteed loans within the First House Program will remain at the level of 3% a year. In 2022-2023, banks applied a similar maximum margin.

Parliament adopts measures to ensure security of gas supply

The Government will be obliged to take the necessary measures to ensure the use, by November 1 of each year, of natural gas storage capacity in storage facilities in other countries that are parties to the Energy Community and in EU member states. The storage capacity must represent at least 15% of the average annual gas consumption of final Moldovan customers connected to the gas networks of licensed system operators, determined for the previous five years. This is provided in a draft law that was given a final reading by Parliament.

● FRIDAY, December 29

VAT refund period for farmers extended

The period during which economic agents operating in the field of agriculture will benefit from reimbursement of the value added tax (VAT) is extended by one year. According to a draft law adopted by Parliament after giving it two readings, the reimbursement will also be made in the course of 2024.

Large consumers will be obliged to buy gas only on free market, minister

Large consumers will be forced to buy gas only on the free market as from January 1, 2025, Minister of Energy Victor Parlicov announced at a press club meeting, stating that this option will allow attracting more consumers and suppliers to the market.

Victor Parlicov: We are close to having gas market rules for genuine suppliers

With the latest changes in the legislation, we are close to having gas market rules that ensure the activity of genuine suppliers, said Minister of Energy Victor Parlicov, commenting on the amendments to the Law on Natural Gas which were given a second reading by Parliament on Thursday.

Over 63m lei earmarked for liquidating swine fever outbreak in Nisporeni

The state will provide 63.6 million lei for liquidating an African swine fever outbreak in Soltăneșt village of Nisporeni district. A decision to this effect was approved by the Cabinet on Friday.

Foreigners will not be able to own agricultural or forest land
The ownership right over land used for agricultural purposes or from the forest stock could not be acquired or possessed by foreign citizens, natural or legal persons. This is provided in the new Land Code that was given a final reading by Parliament and will come into force in a year.

State Construction Register to be created

For the first time in Moldova, a State Construction Register will be instituted. It will contain data on enterprises active in the field of urban planning and construction. The creation of the Register, which will be managed by the National Technical Surveillance Inspectorate, is provided for in the Urban Planning and Building Code that was given a final reading by Parliament.

ODA director resigns: It’s time to pass post on to another manager

Dumitru Pîntea announced his decision to resign from the post of director of the Organization for Entrepreneurship Development (ODA), stating that he tendered his resignation at the beginning of November. “I think it’s time to pass the post on to another leader to further manage this solid capital of financial resources, a valuable team that has made a colossal effort to support entrepreneurs the past two years,” Dumitru Pintea said at a press briefing.

● SATURDAY, December 30

“Moldova Fruct” executive director about quantities of exported plums, where and how much they cost

The European Union member states were the main destination for the Moldovan plums exported in the first eleven months of 2023 – 76%. Almost four times fewer plums were exported to the Eurasian Union – 19%. Another 5% of the exports went to other countries.

Gross external debt up almost 2%

Moldova’s gross external debt increased by 1.8% compared to the end of 2022, totaling US$9.763.88 billion at the end of the third quarter of this year. The gross external debt-to-GDP ratio was 62.4%, by 3.7 percentage points lower than on December 31, 2022, IPN reports, with reference to provisional data of the National Bank of Moldova (NBM).

From January 1, information needed for customs clearance could be presented electronically

Starting with January 1, 2024, the information necessary for customs clearance could be presented in electronic form. Also, the applicant will have the right to reply to a customs decision, while the deadline for challenging decisions will be extended from 10 days to 30 days. This is provided in the new Customs Code that enters into force since 2024.

International investment position of the Republic of Moldova

The international investment position of the Republic of Moldova on September 30, 2023 was -US$6.452.75 billion (or -41.2% compared to GDP), with the net debt balance extending by 4.3% compared with the end of 2022, IPN reports, with reference to the National Bank of Moldova.