
ECO-BUS WEEKLY DIGEST August, 29 - September, 3. Most important Economy & Business news by IPN


● MONDAY, August 29

Termoelectrica opens fuel oil tender

The power generation and district heating company Termoelectrica has launched a lowest-bid-wins tender to buy 20,000 tonnes of fuel oil, as instructed by the State of Emergency Commission earlier this month. “Termoelectrica calls for offers from potential bidders and will select, with the help of a procurement panel, the winner/winners based on technical, economic and financial criteria and will conclude a contract/contracts to buy fuel oil with the selected bidder/bidders within limited time periods, with possible extensions”, the company said in a press release.

Average ICT salary exceeds 26 thousand lei

The highest values of the average monthly salary in the second quarter of the current year were recorded in the fields of information and communications, exceeding 26 thousand lei. In second place are financial and insurance activities, where the salary exceeded 20 thousand lei. In the production and supply of electricity and thermal energy, gas, hot water and air conditioning, the average salary was 15 thousand lei. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the lowest values of the average monthly salary were registered in the fields of accommodation and catering activities - 6,600 lei. Similar wages were in agriculture, forestry and fishing. Somewhat more, around 7,200 lei were the average salaries in art, recreation and leisure activities.

● Tuesday, August 30

Energocom to buy 10 million m3 of gas, store it in Romania

The state company Energocom has been instructed by the Emergency Commission to buy 10 million m3 of gas, in two installments, and store it in Romania. The reserve will be bought and subsequently supplied to the gas utility Moldovagaz based on an EFET-type agreement. For the first installment, the price will be $1,458.92 for one thousand cubic meters, plus the charge of the gas transport company Moldovatransgaz. The second installment will be bought some time in September, at a preliminary price of $1,881 as estimated on August 26.

Working week limited at 48 hours

An employee may not work more than 48 hours a week, including overtime, under the new iteration of the Labor Code that comes into effect with its publishing in the Official Gazette. There is an exception, thought. The 48-hour limit may only be exceeded if in the four calendar months prior, the employee worked less than 48 hours on average.

● Thursday, September 1

Spînu: Gazprom confirmed gas volumes for September

The Russian gas giant Gazprom confirmed the gas volumes for September and extended the time limit for conducting an audit for determining the debt owed by Moldovagaz until October 1, Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Spînu, Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development, announced after discussions with Gazprom director general Alexei Miller. According to Andrei Spînu, the discussions centered also on Moldovagaz’ capacity to pay a higher price for gas and on the supply of gas the coming winter. “We informed that it is not possible to perform the audit by October 1 and reiterated the necessity of extending the time limit until March 31, 2023. We will continue the discussions in the immediate period,” the official posted on social media.

● Friday, September 2

State reserves to be replenished with 3,155 tonnes of coal

The state reserves will be supplemented with 3,155 tonnes of coal, in light of existing risks related to supplies of electricity and natural gas to Moldova. 35.7 million lei will be allocated from the Government’s rainy-day fund, under a decision approved today. The acquisition procedures for the coal will be carried out by the Material Reserves Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which will also take care of its storage.

The measure is in line with a broader effort to prevent an energy crisis and mitigate the potential impact in the event of disruptions of gas supplies, by providing alternative energy resources for the heating season.

● Saturday, September 3

We will ask NAER to increase gas rate to 29 lei

Moldovagaz will request the National Agency for Energy Regulation (NAER) to raise the gas rate to 29 lei per cubic meter, the president of Moldovagaz informed in the program “Résumé with Ileana Pîrgaru”. Vadim Ceban said the price calculation formula will change in October and this can generate a lower gas purchase price. Howevwer, according to him, after the purchase price is decreased, Moldovagaz will not ask to review the rate down as it needs to cover tariff deviations. The president of Moldovagaz said the purchase price of gas requires to increase the gas rate and the company will ask NAER to review the rate up. A request to this effect will be made after September 20, after the law on natural gas takes effect and after the price calculation methodology is changed.

Chisinau 2022 Economic Forum to be held at end-September

The first Economic Forum will be staged in Chisinau on September 30 – October 1. The Chisinau City Hall said the event is a platform for discussions and debates on the investment and development potential of the municipality. “The forum will bring together over 500 guests, representatives of the business community, the academia and the NGO sector, experts in different economic fields, foreign investors and donors and official delegations of twinned cities and partner cites and is designed to offer a platform of discussions and debates on the investment and development potential of the municipality of Chisinau,” noted the municipality.