
ECHR requests Moldova to account for domestic violence


The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) asked that the Government of Moldova provide information about the measures taken in two concrete cases to protect the victims of domestic violence and to defend their right to the inviolability of the dwelling, lawyer and human rights expert Doina Ioana Straisteanu told a news conference on Wednesday, Info-Prim Neo reports. The first is the case of Mudric vs Moldova. Lidia Mudric aged 72 was beaten regularly by her former husband, who lived in the woman’s house without permission. In the second case - Eremia vs Moldova - Lilia Eremia and her minor daughters were also beaten by the woman’s ex-husband. The lawyer said that in both of the cases the victims filed numerous complaints to the police and the prosecutor’s office, but they did not provide protection. The court orders have not been implemented. Doina Ioana Straisteanu said that in these cases the state is accused of complicity in the maltreatment of women as the police knew about domestic violence against the women and children, but did not react to the complains. The victims themselves were blamed for the attacker’s actions. According to the lawyer, the victims also complained about gender discrimination as the police treated the attackers more indulgently. Lidia Mudric and Lilia Ermia are represented at the ECHR by Doina Ioana Straisteanu, who was delegated by Promo-LEX Association within the Strengthening Legal Protection from and Raising Awareness of Discriminatory Ill- Treatment in Moldova Project that is financed by the EU through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights and co-financed by UNDP Moldova as part of the Joint Project of the UN Agencies in Moldova for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights.