
Eastern model and Western model for Moldova: differences, advantages, disadvantages. Chances of “Third Way”, IPN debate


The process of choosing between the Eastern and Western models is at the basis of many sociopolitical processes in Moldovan society, but is also under the influence of many processes inside and outside the Republic of Moldova. The disputes about Moldova’s strategic orientation recently reached new proportions, also because of the proposal to include a provision about the European integration as the country’s strategic orientation in the Constitution and of the harsh reaction of the opponents of this idea. The state of affairs in society in the context of the new initiatives was discussed in the public debate “Eastern model and Western model for Moldova: differences, advantages, disadvantages. Chances of “Third Way” that was staged by IPN News Agency and Radio Moldova.

The standing expert of IPN’s project Igor Botan said the Republic of Moldova oscillates between the East and the West and this is a cross that the Moldovan people carry in virtue of a number of circumstances. Being a small state, Moldova is actually an island between two tectonic plates: the European one and the Eurasian one and when these plates oscillate, the small island has to react or can be even crushed. That’s why it is somehow understandable why Moldova oscillates between the East and the West. The expert made reference to a number of official acts signed by the governments that ruled in the independence period. In general, these show that the orientation was 60% to 40% in favor of the European development course. However, regrettably, during the last eight years those who promised the integration into the EU didn’t manage to produce many interesting things and what they did led to a reduction in the European integration support level from 70% to 40%. “After the citizens were disappointed, how can one make them believe in the integration into the EU so that this idea is not challenged?” asked the expert.

In the same connection, Socialist MP Vladimir Golovatiuc said Moldova should not choose between the Eastern and Western models that are actually inexistent. Moldova should follow the Moldovan development model that would center on quality standards, social security of the people, etc. “We can borrow what’s best from the East and the West, things that work better, but Moldova should yet follow an own path and should develop the economy so that this meets the realities here,” stated the MP, noting that laws that meet the European norms are often adopted, but ultimately these do not work in the realities in Moldova because an individual country development model is needed.

Deputy head of the Political Party “Our Party” Ilian Casu said the party he represents pleads for a pro-Moldova model based on a functional state, democratic values, the rule of law and observance of human rights. “The European integration conception should be contrasted with the political situation in Moldova and the people’s welfare. Since the ostensible pro-European parties appeared, the money that comes from the EU has been provided for the ordinary people. However, hypothetically speaking, if the money hadn’t been stolen, Moldova would have been in a different situation now,” he stated.

Sergiu Sarbu, MP of the Democratic Party that announced it would initiate the procedure for amending the Constitution so that this stipulates that the European integration is Moldova’s strategic orientation, said the government wants to eliminate any speculation about the country’s course and wants the split in society to disappear. “That’s why we want to transpose the Constitutional Court’s judgment of September 9, 2014, which says that the orientation to the European democratic system of values is a defining element of the constitutional identity of the Republic of Moldova, to the Constitution and nothing more,” he stated, noting that the government wants also to be a good partner of everyone, including the CIS.

Deputy chairman of the Party “Action and Solidarity” Mihai Popsoi said that what counts is the democratic values, which represent the European Union’s foundation, such as the rule of law, political competition, freedom of the press, functional and non-politicized institutions, non-selective justice. “What we see now in the party that boasts of the find to amend the Constitution and to stipulate the irreversibility of the European course is lack of wish to fight corruption and this fight is actually superficial, but this is not an EU value. The people, regrettably, die in detention and such things are also not among the European values,” stated Mihai Popsoi.

The public debate “Eastern model and Western model for Moldova: differences, advantages, disadvantages. Chances of “Third Way” was the 77th installment of the series of debates “Developing political culture by public debates” that are organized with support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany.