
Early parliamentary elections are imminent, Communist MP


Moldova is faced with the danger of early parliamentary elections and the politicians must make effort to unite society and to overcome the economic crisis, Communist MP Artur Reshetnikov said in the public debate “Why politicians again need time to form a majority coalition and what people in Moldova risk in such conditions?”, organized by IPN.

“We know that society is split. Our duty is not to allow the gap to widen. We must unite society and entrust the posts in the executive to those who are the most suitable for them. These negotiations are a show. There are three key posts – of head of state, head of Parliament and of Premier – and the discussions center upon these posts. We suggested centering on the statehood, not on party interests. There are indeed ideological divergences between the Party of Communists and the other parties, but we proposed finding common points so as to solve the problems. The government program should be based on the electoral promises and there is no need to invent something new. The danger of early parliamentary elections will persist until we do not ensure economic development. I always said that nobody from outside the country should deal with our problems,” stated the lawmaker.

Artur Reshetnikov added that when a government is being formed, the development projects that are to be implemented must be discussed. “We consciously voted for the so-called minority Government because we wanted to give a signal of unification, including to the political class, and gave a vote of confidence to this government. It is very important that the law enforcement bodies be depoliticized,” he said.

The Communist MP voiced hope that the people will correctly assess the actions of the leaders of the three parties that are negotiating the formation of a ruling alliance and will remove the leaders or even the parties that are trying to act against the country’s interests in the next elections.

The debate “Why politicians again need time to form a majority coalition and what people in Moldova risk in such conditions?” is the 40th installment of the series “Developing political culture by public debates”, staged by IPN News Agency in partnership with Radio Moldova and with support from the Hanns Seidel Stiftung.