
Dwellers from Mircea cel Bătrân Blvd ask to stop construction works


The people living in the apartment buildings located at 13/1 and 13/2 Mircea cel Bătrân Blvd in Chisinau call on the municipal authorities and the law enforcement agencies to intervene and stop the construction of a building nearby as they consider this is illegal. It is a residential complex consisting of three 23-story blocks of flats. According to the dwellers, the construction works are carried out with multiple deviations.

In a news conference at IPN, dweller Marina Ratushnyak said the problem was reported last summer. A number of irregularities were identified meanwhile. The area will turn into a real swarm. The zone is rather small for the planned over 600 apartments and the construction company didn’t even project access ways for the three buildings.

The dwellers’ lawyer Gheorghe Macovei said the three blocks are constructed on an area where only commercial two- or three-story buildings can be erected, not apartment buildings. Two of the three blocks are situated close to a filling station where there are gas containers. The Prosecutor’s Office was also notified of this case. The complaints haven’t been dealt with yet and the construction works go on.

Dweller Denis Dobrioglo said the building permit was suspended by the Chisinau City Hall for two times, in June 2019 by the then acting mayor Ruslan Codreanu and last month by current mayor Ion Ceban. But mayor’s orders were suspended by the court of law.

Dweller Larisa Donica called upon the authorities to take measures. The prosecutor general is requested to check the legality of the documents issued for building the residential complex. They also ask to hold accountable those in charge from the local public authorities who committed illegalities.  

Dweller Vasile Lisyi said the responsible servants should come to the scene and examine the documents and should see how things stand on the building site. The necessary checks and decisions are delayed on purpose so that the company could erect more stories.