
Dumitru Braghis: PSD pledges to be the guarantor of the fact that the power in Moldova is elected directly by the people and is under the direct control of the people! Info-Prim Neo poll


{Info-Prim Neo News Agency is conducting an opinion poll among leaders of the parties running in elections. The subject of the poll is corruption in Moldova and solutions for fighting it. All the participants were asked two similar questions. This time, the answers are given by Dumitru Braghis, the president of the Social Democratic Party.} [ - What does the party that you represent think about corruption in Moldova?] - Today, the Republic of Moldova can be described as the state of corrupt functionaries. This is confirmed not only by the numerous monitoring inspections carried out by different international organizations and the results of the Opinion Barometer, but also by the real relations between the civil servant and the people established in our state. Many are the causes that made the population be seriously concerned about corruption. One thing is for sure: out state political system is corrupt. When the one that must be examined names those that must carry out the inspection we cannot speak about the separation of powers in the state. The creation of an inflexible vertical of the power by removing the other components of the power from decision making is the genesis and the source of corruption. [ - What will the PSD do to combat corruption if it comes to power?] - When in power, the PSD will carry out the constitutional, legislative and institutional reform aimed at building a sustainable state system in Moldova on the basis of representative democracy, with the direct and immediate involvement of the people in the creation of the state bodies. According to our conception, the people should directly establish the supreme legislative, executive and judicial bodies, the institutions that supervise how the legislation is implemented and how the public money is managed, and the body that ensures the independence and impartiality of the public mass media. The people should separately elect the executive and deliberative components of the local power. This will be the key measure that the PSD will implement. The constitutional, legislative and institutional reform will include: Direct election of the head of state. The post of president will be incompatible with the membership of a party while holding the presidency; Direct and nominal election of the largest part of the MPs that will represent the people from all the territorial-administrative units, not political parties; Direct election of the district president – the head of the local executive power; Direct election of judges by local elections in accordance with the professional qualifications; Direct election of representatives to the Supreme Council of Magistrates – the body that supervises the judicial system. The Council will be composed of representatives of the people elected by constituencies and will thus become a national representative body that will respect the will of the people not of political and mob-like clans when making decisions; Direct election of the members of the Audit Office – the body that supervises the application of the law and the administration of public money. This way, the public resources will not be misappropriated, but will be under the direct control of the people. The public money will be directed to the people in need and the country’s real necessities; Direct election of the members of the Broadcasting Coordination Council – the body that ensures the independence and impartiality of the public mass media. A relevant law will provide that any radio station and TV channel with national coverage is public, regardless of the form of ownership. In order to combat corruption, the duties of the Center for Combating Corruption and Economic Crime will be modified. The Center will only have the tasks of fighting corruption in the bodies of the central and local power. We will introduce simultaneous control on the income statements and expenditure statements of the state functionaries, MPs, ministers. The PSD pledges to be the guarantor of the fact that the power in Moldova is elected directly by the people and is under the direct control of the people! We will definitely carry out all the mentioned reforms because we are Patriots that fight for a Strong Moldova with a Strong Economy for a Better Life.