
Dozens of villages experience power outages


Fifty villages in 11 districts remained without electricity as a result of the accidents that happened following the formation of ice on the power lines. Most of the accidents occurred in the districts of Stefan Voda and Nisporeni.

Contacted by IPN, head of the Division for Relations with the Mass Media of Gas Natural Fenosa Vasile Gribincea said it is harder to repair the power lines in some settlements owing to the ice that formed on the roads, especially in Orhei district. The power supplier calls on the people to obey the security rules and not to remove by themselves the branches that fell on high voltage power lines. The recommendation is to immediately call the local offices of Gas Natural Fenosa.

Head of the Green Areas Association Eliferii Haruta said that mobile teams have so far removed 24 downed trees. In Rascani district of Chisinau, broken branches damaged two vehicles. The employees will have an extended work program and will work at night too if need be.

Petru Cravet, who is in charge of relations with the press at the Chisinau Emergency Medicine Center, said that 45 persons sought help from the institution by the afternoon of January 20. They suffered mainly leg and hand traumas, dislocations and concussions after slipping and falling on ice.